Jul 25, 2006 01:42
Again, our beloved Captain Jack has appeared in the Nexus looking absolutely perplexed by the obscene amounts of water. His usual swagger has been abandoned for the exaggerated, irritable waddle he uses to cut through the damning depths, doing his best to lift his feet over the water. Hands well over his head and cradling an open bottle of rum, he continues this way until nearly losing his balance. The bottle slips from his hands, hopping and wriggling away from and between his groping hands until it's lost to Davy Jones. Well...lost to the three feet of water, at least.
He grimaces and glares down at the water before sighing and reaching up to adjust the hat that isn't there. The frustration boils over into a trembling rage, resulting in a series of spaztic kicking and slurred yelling that goes on for a fair five minutes before he calms.
"Ever 'ad a day where not a BLOODY thing goes right?"