Welcome to Uncle Chuck-o's First Annual Scavenger Hunt!
Group yourself into teams and get cracking! You've a week to see how many of these items and challenges you can complete.
Once you have an item, bring it back here so Uncle Chuck-O can count it off the list.
The Short List
- [] a egg.
- [] the signature of a dragon!
- [] the signature of a WAGON.
- [] a lemon reamer.
- [] concentrated orange juice.
- [] kitty litter.
- [] a PINpoint.
- [] shark's teeth. (Bonus for the whole shark.)
- [] a deck of cards.
- [] a spinning top.
- [] scissors.
- [] a pony.
- [] a diamond encrusted rocket pony.
- [] Oprah.
- [] a box of matches.
- [] a matched set of boxers.
- [] lipstick.
- [] a good idea.
- [] a bad idea.
- [] a good joke.
- [] a bad joke.
- [] a good day.
- [] a bad day.
- [] 42 straight pins.
- [] 43 bent pins.
- [] a Happy Fun ball.
- [] a set of Lawn Darts.
- [] a dinosaur.
- [] a giant coin.
- [] the Batman.
- [] a Pokémon.
- [] a disgruntled beekeeper.
- [] Have a potato break the sound barrier.
- [] a DeLorean.
- [] a working time machine.
- [] half a bowling ball.
- [] two plums from the fridge. So sweet. So cold.
- [] Eighty-six 1986 pennies.
- [] a holy item.
- [] a mummy.
- [] paper snowflake.
- [] guitar strings.
- [] a tongue depressor.
- [] thumbscrews.
- [] a scold's bridle.
- [] a four leaf clover.
- [] vitamin B-12.
- [] a saddle.
- [] a whip.
- [] a Nixon for President Button.
- [] antlers. (Bonus for a whole, mounted head.)
- [] a roach over two inches long.
- [] a plastic lawn flamingo.
- [] a stairway to heaven.
- [] a felonious monk.
- [] a nun.
- [] a schoolbus.
- [] a schoolbus full of nuns.
- [] a theremin.
- [] silly putty.
- [] a claw hammer.
- [] a ballpeen hammer.
- [] Maxwell's Silver Hammer.
- [] a Hammer films production.
- [] a functional electric chair. It must be able to melt the bride and groom figurines off a wedding cake.
- [] a to-scale monolith. (Bonus if it plays the Blue Danube or causes evolutionary advances.)
- [] a personal Jesus.
- [] an alethiometer.
- [] a crowbar.
- [] original, bottled coke.
- [] a big, red, digital countdown clock.
- [] over 4 pounds of uncooked Ramen noodles.
- [] a magic lamp.
- [] weapons grade plutonium.
- [] a test-tube baby.
- [] an origami bird with a three foot wingspan.
- [] a nine-inch pianist.
- [] muppet babies.
- [] muppet rabies.
- [] muppet scabies.
- [] 300 bouncy balls.
- [] a man-eating chicken.
- [] a luncheon meat truncheon.
- [] original CD single of "Detachable Penis" by King Missile.
- [] a 40 year old virgin.
- [] one of those bouncy ball things with the 2 handles. You know the ones you sit on and go boingey-boingey-boingey.
- [] a DALEK.
- [] Buckminsterfullerene.
- [] a turducken.
- [] We need to spice things up a little. Pure capsaicin should do the trick.
- [] a panda.
- [] a mocktail.
- [] a cocktail.
- [] a Molotov cocktail.
- [] more cowbell.
- [] a Hostess fruit pie.
- [] A 10-foot pole and something you wouldn't touch with it.
Big Ticket Items
- [] Cockfighting! At last! Except cockfighting is terribly inhumane and often results in the death of the bird. But you can’t kill something that’s already dead! As such, prepare your marionette-whole-roaster-chicken-fighters for battle. You will strap bags of giblets on them and you must use your warrior fowl’s razor spurs to spill the entrails of your opponent onto the thirsty ground. Experts recommend using the Mexican straight blade for a quicker and cleaner kill. The Filipino curved blade is just cruel. [50 points]
- [] PIE FIGHT!! Bring ten cream pies and prepare to prove your superiority old-timey comedy style. [20 points]
- [] First, you’ll need to empty a jar of peanut butter with nothing but your own two hands. Second, you can’t eat any of it. Third, none of it can touch the ground. From there we’ll play it by ear. [10 points]
- [] Remember when you were in elementary school and you had to make a model of a volcano out of papier-mache and baking soda? Well, do that again. Only really big. There is a limit on the number of points you can win, but there’s no limit on how big your volcano can be. [20 points]
Ways to earn extra points: 1) one extra point for each villager trapped by your volcanoe's mighty magma flow. If your parents want to help, encourage them to strap on a toga or a grass skirt! 2) construct your volcano indoors, points to be distributed in inverse proportion to how close your volcano comes to touching the ceiling! - [] A wicker phallus. Size matters. [2 points per foot, to a maximum of 20 ft.]
- [] A robot programmed to love. [3 points per tear that your robot's cuteness draws from my eye. 300 points if 'love' involves a vibrator]
- [] I have never seen enormous groups of strangers moved, as if part of a flash mob, to spontaneously burst into elaborately choreographed song-and-dance numbers in iconic locations. Fix that. [28 points]
- [] A scavenger hunt ain't rocket science, nor brain surgery. Or is it? There's only one way to find out: enlist a rocket scientist and a brain surgeon in the completion of an item and have them determine the answer
once and for all (once and for all!) [10 points] - [] A slinky that slinks upstairs. And if you play a video of a slinky going downstairs backwards, I will
pee on you. [25 points] - [] Exit, pursued by a bear. [4 points]
- [] The most useful thing you can knit out of plastic grocery bags. Demonstrate its utility. [8 points]
- [] A tool from Eiko Takashima's Private Laboratory. [18 points] ((Please OOCly contact gadgetqueen to do this challenge.))
- [] Wearing a black and white striped shirt, a black toque, and a burlap sack full of money with a big dollar sign on the front, go into that bank. And buy a savings bond. [15 to Life points]
- [] The Excrement Catapult 'Toss-Off'. Built a poop shooter and use it to destroy a piece of corporate art. Points awarded for distance and accuracy.
- [] Liver, fava beans, and chianti, to be consumed by someone in a straitjacket and Lecter mask. [4 points]
- [] Functional Meat Helmet. Functional Meat Pants. Functional Meat Underwear. Functional Meat Oscillating Fan. [10, 20, 40, and 60 points]
- [] Mix and drink a suicide soda of at least five horrendous soft drink failures. [5 points. 2 bonus points for Hagar the Horrible Soda or the Mountain Dew that you could only get at Taco Bell (Man, did that one suck)]
- [] The afternoon sun glints off of your cardboard armor as you enter the field of battle astride your mighty broomstick steed. Have at thee! Ye Olde Socke ’Em Bopper Jouste. Find another scavenger hunt team and JOUST FOR JUSTICE. [30 points]
- [] A sunblocker, the likes of which will cause every plant and tree to die and owls to deafen us with their incessant hooting. [300 points per city block that is cast into eternal darkness]
- [] Walt Disney's frozen corpse. [10 points for just his frozen head, 40 points for the whole body, 300 points if the head has been grafted to gigantic robot-spider body that feasts on the flesh of young children.]