Dec 14, 2008 00:34
"Goodness. Yes--yes goodness, I suppose is the only suitable reaction really. I rather-- rather think, I might have stumbled upon quite the scientific anomaly here. I am quite certain that this was definitely not here, only moments ago. I was most certainly taking tea with Sir Oliver at the Observatory. This is really quite-- quite something."
Hello there Nexus, have a terribly reserved English astrophysicist from 1919. Arthur Eddington to be precise, and Arthur would approve as precision is his wont.
"Well-- well if a question is to be asked, then I am inclined to ask one of perhaps a moralistic or philosophical nature. Can the poetry of existence be satisfactorily explained by science, if one leaves room for God? Or is factoring God into the equation, a denial of scientific advancement?"
Arthur pauses, realising his question is perhaps erring on the philosophical side for most and adds, "Do you prefer home-made or shop bought jam with your scones?"