Rattrap's sitting on a simple kitchen chair, his arms folded over the backrest and chin resting on his arms. For whatever reason, he's got a
plastic black and white guitar slung over his shoulder. Why no, he's not sulking, what makes you think that?
"So, I met 'n alternate a' mine recently," he muses, chewing absently on the corner of his lips. "He was dyin' a' some virus, an' of course I brought 'im home an' got 'im fixed up. Next thing I know, th' lil' shit's givin' me lip, an' tryin' ta take me on. We got inna whole big fight, an' we had ta be pulled apart t'get us t'stop. Now, I'm cool wit' people talkin' down t'me. I'm useta it, yanno? But what really got me goin' was dat he seemed ta treat ev'ryone dat way, even 'is own friends."
He pauses, then lets out an explosive sigh and rubs his face. "I know I ain't always th' most pleasant 'bot ta work wit', but I gotta hope I treat my friends betta' den dat. So Nexus, I gotta ask. Should I be takin' my alt's actions to heart, or should I jus' forget it an' keep doin' what I'm doin'?"
"An' if dat's too deep fer ya, I been playin' dis 'uman game, Rock Band in my spare time. I ain't no audile, but I gotta say, music's got a much broader appeal when it's got lyrics set to it. So what's yer song? Could jus' be a favorite a' yers, or somethin' y'think sums ya up good. An' would'ya mind singin' a bit a' it fer me?" Rattrap grins, giving a little wink. "I dunno many 'uman songs yet."