
Nov 28, 2013 21:20

It's been a very long time since she's visited the Nexus, too long really. "This is probably the most trite question that could ever be posed today, but what are you most thankful for?" Ellie has some answers of her own, ranging from serious to snarky.

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Comments 4

soldierinbinary December 18 2013, 03:26:41 UTC
A man, who was about as tall as he was thin, stood just outside of the comfort zone of the peripheral. His dark brows furrowed into a fuzzy line that just peeked out from over the tops of his sunglasses. ...Sunglasses indoors. Perhaps this man got lost on his way to Douchebags Anonymous. Still, he had little desire to make his presence in this place immediately known. That lack of decision made for a good mental debate. Every so often, he would look at his wristwatch and frown.

Though, after a while of watching Ellie swim in the sea of Multiversers - more of a kiddy pool assortment, actually - he approached her, and with much hesitance.

"My past," he notes, just loud enough to gain the woman's attention. There's a subtle tightening of his mouth before he elaborates. "I've gained more wisdom through it than any self-help book could ever give me."

He nods, gesturing to her from his safe distance. "What about you, sister?"


simply_ellie January 16 2016, 02:32:53 UTC
Hearing another voice startles her at first, thinking that she might really be alone here. Putting her pen inside her journal, she closes it, albeit rather awkwardly. What had she been saying again? Oh yes, a question!

"Your past?" Intrigued, that's the one thing she's not thankful for herself, though time has begun to heal some of those wounds. "I agree about self-help books though, they've always seemed quite pointless." Wow, that's a bit harsh, but she's feeling quite honest.

"I'm thankful for..." This shouldn't be so hard, should it? "A home, an education, quiet time."


watcher_diaries November 27 2015, 06:58:36 UTC
"Being alive, I suppose." He sighs and adjusts his glasses before looking around again. There are no signs of a party.

"Sometimes it can seem that I'm the only one, though. What are you thankful for?"


simply_ellie January 16 2016, 02:37:32 UTC
"Always an excellent choice." And by always, she means usually. Or at least sometimes. Something to that effect. She might not be especially convincing.

"I'm thankful for family and medical care... probably not the most original answer. And the Nexus, I'm thankful to be able to come here." Though it's not the busy place it once was, it's still often a respite from her 'real' world. Many of the people she knew from years ago might be gone, but at least the place is familiar to her.


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