Despite having zero free time and scary upcoming exam, I just mainlined Fangasm in two days, which I seem to always do here. There isn't much to do on the rock other than study and play Minesweeper, so whenever I give myself permission to have some new TV show/book/whatever, it ends up a marathon experience.
Various thoughts )
Comments 9
It's okay for grown men to ogle barely dressed younger women on TV and objectify them, but oh my god, how terrible it is for women to do the same!
Been there, heard that, ain't sayin' no more. /o\
I might have a strong opinion about that movie.
You might, indeed. ;D And yeah, those were definitely ill-advised things for her to say. There were a lotta people doing stupid things in that movie, but me, I'll just be verrrry shallow and stick to how good Jensen looked at the end. ;)
(Hehe. And I wanted to add a line about how unattractive Jensen looked at the end but decided against it /o\ Not a fan of that clean-shaven baby face and the beige slacks.)
and yes, you do want to go to wincon. :D
Wincon >.< And it's in Vegas this year! Gaaah! (When is it, by the way?)
this year wincon was in vegas, which is like disney for adults, and next year it's in orlando, which is just disney. yay?
Aaaah, read your Wincon report and was seized by fits of jealousy. And it was in Vegas, too! How awesome is that? Yeah, Orlando... If I get unlucky next year and land in Miami for my 5th semester, that would be perfect (except how fuck that, I don't want to go to Florida for a whole semester). Otherwise, the list of cities that get visiting priority due to great people living there is pretty long. Whaa! One day.
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