Oooh! We got a letter! Fwee!

Dec 18, 2006 18:20

Dear Hogwarts,
I think I'm in love with my best friend.
I've tried to ignore it or move on, but it's been impossible.
What should I do?

Dear uhh...
Why'd you want to ignore it? It won't be too bad.
If you're afraid it'll ruin your friendship, then maybe it's not that strong a friendship after all.

Try telling your friend about it. It's probably the best thing you can do.


* * *

Dear erm...what did you say your name was?


Maybe this friend of yours is the smartest in her class and you're scared that she'll find you um...not up to her standards? Bollocks, I have the same problem you have! this is a tough one.

I think you should just keep it to yourself, mate. It's going to be hard telling your best friend about it, so you should just move on. To do that, try focusing on a lot of different things. Like Quidditch.

[Harry:] Or maybe try getting drunk on a love potion! *laughs hysterically*
[Ron:] Shut it, Harry!

Anyway, there you go. Keep it a secret. If you tell her, you might as well jump off the Astronomy Tower.


* * *

Dear Letter-Sender,
Go tell him/her! It'll be great, you'll see.
I've been trying to push these two best friends of mine for the longest time into telling each other their feelings because I know things will work out.

I hope it'll be fine for you too. :)

It's not nice to forget about it, you see, because the feeling will just keep annoying you and showing up in the strangest times. You'll find yourself blushing around him/her, looking like you're about to explode, and that's not such a pretty good sight, is it?

You better tell her/him soon! Good luck!


* * *

[Draco:] This isn't from Goyle, is it?
[ebonietheweird:] No.
[Draco:] Good.
[ebonietheweird:] *snickers* It's from Crabbe!
[Draco:] Wtf?!
[ebonietheweird:] Just answer the letter, you stupid prat.
[Draco:] I'm not a @$&*$@(^%$# stupid prat!

If you want to move on, call me.

[ebonietheweird:] What if it's a boy writing the letter?
[Draco:] *thinks about it*

Fine. If you want to move on, break off all relationships with this person you call a 'best friend' and find some other individual who will return your ardour. You will be better off, believe me.

However, if you wish to tell this wretched piece of filth/best friend of yours about your feelings, go right ahead. I am only going to make it clear that Draco Malfoy, Slytherin Prince, is not responsible for any brawls in Common Rooms or broken hearts.

[ebonietheweird:] Broken hearts? Yeah right.
[Draco:] ARGH! Who's answering the letter, goddamnit!
[ebonietheweird:] *eyeroll* Someone's being touchy.
[ebonietheweird:] XP

Ugh. These letters bother me as much as this Muggle does.

-Draco Malfoy

* * *

I do not believe in *shudders* love. This letter is rubbish.

[ebonietheweird:] Professor, you have to give advice. It's a requirement. Remember the contract?
[Snape:] *eyes become as big as Hagrid's dinner plates*

Well then, I think it is best for you to keep this feeling of yours to yourself. There is nothing good that will come out of this.

-Professor Severus Snape

* * *

The Hogwarts Chroniclers wondered what Miss Hermione Granger was doing in the dungeons, but didn't mind it as she was happy enough to answer the letter.

You're in love with your best friend? Why, this is a pretty common problem, you know. I think you're supposed to reveal your feelings to that friend of yours, or if you're too shy, you can be subtle about it. Drop little hints so he'll know. Some boys are just so daft they don't know when you're purposely making them jealous!

Don't worry though. One day he'll realize you two are perfect for each other. :)


* * *

We solemnly swear that we are not to divulge the secrets of the Dark Lord's hideout. We shall boogie with Nagini. We are going to eat this letter afterwards and forget all that ever happened today. We are going to serve Lord Voldemort tea and biscuits every Sunday afternoon. We ---

[The Dark Lord:] Enough, Muggles! Now, fulfill your second obligation as I answer this letter.
[The Hogwarts Chroniclers:] Of course, Master. *dances*

Incompetent Being (who can't think for himself),
I trust you know about the Unforgivable Curses?

I do hope you are familiar with how to employ them in your everyday needs.
You are?

Very well.


-The Dark Lord

* * *

Wait! Did anything happen?

Anyway, Wormtail tells us we're supposed to thank you for something. (O_O)
-The Hogwarts Chroniclers

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