Title: Of Magick
Author: Guess who?
significantowlFandom/Pairing: Doctor Who - Ten/Martha
Rating: G
Length: c.1,700 words
Summary: The Doctor wants to prove a point.
Author’s Notes: Set early in Series 3, somewhere soon after ‘The Shakespeare Code’. Thank you to my trusty beta-readers!
Of Magick )
Comments 3
I'd love to know what the Doctor said to the unicorn, though I suppose the mystery is more in keeping with the Doctor as we know him *g*
Martha's right though, it was very cheeky!
Your characterizations are so on, they are SO themselves. <3 That last line of the Doctor's is one of those things that I can just hear Ten say, but also without effort hear it in Four's voice, or Five's... so wonderfully Doctorish.
And the Muggleborn student at the end! *cracks up* His own cultural myth proven! You're going to have to post this on crossing_who, you know :D
Thank you so much, Santa!! <3
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