Title: Slow Show (1/2) Spoilers: Through 1x16 (Excludes Annie/Vaughan) Pairing: Jeff/Annie Rating: R Warning: Sexual situations, language Word Count: 5,181 Disclaimer: Sadly, I am not the owner of Community
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GAH! This is so awesome. I was so sad when the group split up and then I got all scared cos Pierce was in hospital then I was all happy cos they were all back together again. I love it. And Annie and Abed sleeping on Jeff is adorable. Lol at Pierce passing out first. This is great so far and I love how slowly you're developing Jeff and Annie. I can't wait to see more.
I've read this before (sorry I didn't comment then) but I really like the build-up of Jeff and Annie's relationship. Also, I totally agree with your observation about Sloan and Cameron, I saw the chemistry, like when they held hands at the parade :)
Comments 4
I was so sad when the group split up and then I got all scared cos Pierce was in hospital then I was all happy cos they were all back together again. I love it.
And Annie and Abed sleeping on Jeff is adorable. Lol at Pierce passing out first.
This is great so far and I love how slowly you're developing Jeff and Annie.
I can't wait to see more.
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