Title: Depth Perception
Pairing: Jeff/Annie, ensemble
Word Count: 3726
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13, leaning into R
Spoilers: Season 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Community or these characters, oh but Dan Harmon I love you for life.
Description: Annie and Jeff’s relationship - what the group sees, and more importantly, what they don’t.
Author’s Note:
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Comments 51
And thank you for the comment! I'm glad you like it!
I wouldn't have it any other way. Fic in abundance is the best kind of fic.
Thanks for writing this. :)
Very true.
Thank you so much for the comment!
Like everyone else it seems, I started out with the intent to c/p all of my favorite lines, but I realized not even halfway through the first part that, well, I would be quoting EVERYTHING back at you.
The first section--after Troy and Abed spot Annie and Jeff? God, that was amazing. It was like some brilliant 'shipper manifesto, proving all over again just WHY Jeff and Annie work. It's not just a case of the two actors having a crazy amount of chemistry. It's how Jeff and Annie have grown more than just about any of the other characters. And how, every step of the way, they are changing and evolving together. I LOVE THAT.
And I love, too, your POV. It wasn't just a Jeff POV or an Annie POV, it was an Everyone POV. That is SO BRILLIANT, I can hardly stand it.
The ensemble-y fun! Really, this part made me smile so much:
It’s the last weekend before school starts again and they’ve all holed ( ... )
SO HILARIOUS. The comedic timing of it was absolutely insane.
OMG, coming from you this is a compliment indeed. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
Why is that doing weird things to my heart? I don't know!
The group being awesome together is one of my favorite things. It does something to my heart too. I want their little community.
I am really SO glad that you enjoyed it. Thank you for the lovely comment.
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