Me: Pi (
I Play: Dahlia Hawthorne (
cuedisneymusic), Sheena Fujibayashi (
IRC: I never log on to IRC when I have things to do, so it's pretty safe to say that if I'm on, I am open for chatting/threading/posting if it is reasonably before my bedtime/what have you. I am ALWAYS in my cast chans, and usually in the main chan (except when I'm not hurr hurr). Nicked to Sheena 90% of the time; ping me if you need me!
Alternatives: The absolute best way is through AIM. I only like talking to a couple people on gchat, but I can have a thousand AIM windows open and be awesome. You can catch me at pineappamatic - if I'm on, I'm available for talking, always.
Style: I NEVER MESSAGE PEOPLE FIRST. I do this to everyone, including people I've known a long time and even some of my RL friends. It's mostly just me being paranoid about interrupting people; it's never, ever personal. If you want to talk, just drop me a message! I will probably glee and smash emoticons at you.
On that note, I absolutely ABUSE capslock and keysmashes and emoticons. I would also sparkle on AIM if I could. SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME AND MY CAPSLOCK it's just what I do (ask America).
Crit: I am always, always, always open for crit! I love my characters dearly and want to do the best I can with them. They both have crit posts in their journals, and that's the best way to reach me with crit (since I always forget to post to the crit community). The only thing is that I prefer commenting there to telling me in IRC/AIM/wherever, because I a) like to have it somewhere permanent and b) want time to sort things out and think about it before I respond.
Timezone/Scheduling: EST. I have very, very little time during the week, and I try very hard to get to bed at a reasonable time (10 EST is ideal, 11 is manageable, 12 is the latest I will go). That being said, I often stay up to unholy hours of the morning on the weekends, so if you want me for something big (like running a post), the best time to get me is Friday and Saturday afternoon/evening.
Playing Frequency: Unfortunately, not very much. This is mostly because I'm busy during the week, and if I start a thread (especially with Sheena), I have a bad habit of staying up late because of it. I try to do as much as I can on the weekends, but I definitely need nudging during the week.
Replying Speed: 5-10 minutes, average. I will usually speed up the longer a thread goes because the voice starts coming easier.
Thread Dropping: I always, always try to reply to threads! This is mostly because the only way I can feasibly finish a thread is by letting it go on several days. If I do drop it, it's probably because I got severely distracted and felt like it was too late to pick up later.
Thread Pickup: If I DO drop something that you want me to pick up PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME. I will always be more than happy to finish anything, no matter how long it's been SERIOUSLY.
Comfort Levels: There are only a handful of things that I am seriously uncomfortable with that are not... common things to be uncomfortable with. That being the case, I will never not thread with you just because I'm uncomfortable. I may, however, be slow and randomly drop for long stretches of time, but I will always warn you of that ahead of time.
Threading Permission: You don't have to ask me! I love threading, and always wish I could thread more! If you want to thread with me but I don't have anyone out, just kick me and I will oblige, probably with a |DDDDDDDD.
Frequency: Rarely. I don't often have the time to manage posts, but I do love them. Co-running a post is a lot easier for me.
Spontaneity: I usually plan things in advance just because... I don't really have the time to be spontaneous! TALES CAST IS KIND OF BEATING THAT OUT OF ME, THOUGH.
Postrape: I don't mind it! I may have to take breaks now and then, but I am usually okay with a good postrape.
Time Before a Post is Abandoned: I try to set aside at least a couple hours for the initial run, but I will always, always continue commenting for a few days.
New Canon: If this means my own canon... I AM GETTING NEW CANON TOMORROW!!1! JUST KIDDING s-sob. That being said, I do not like spoilers of any kind whatsoever. This goes double for canons I love (see: Ace Attorney and Tales of Symphonia), but you can, of course, spoil me to high heaven if it's something I don't ever intend to watch/read/play/what have you.
If this is for pimping, I will be honest: IT IS HARD TO PIMP A CANON AT ME. It is hard to get me to read/watch/play and even harder to get me to app, but if it's something you are SUPER EXCITED ABOUT!!1! I will always give it a shot.
AUs: Sexytime AUs are Not My Thing, and I doubt I have a character that would actually go that far with anyone at this point (no matter what fandom says about them). Anything else is great and I love them. |DD
Betaing: I am a complete fail!beta when it comes to humor, so I try to focus a lot on grammar, flow, and characterization. AGAIN, I HAVE TIME ISSUES so I usually only beta for canonmates, but if you ABSOLUTELY NEED SOMEONE, I can... probably do it! Or I will try, at the very least. :'(