Time Now: 1:54 am
(1) Your gender: Female.
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight.
(3) Single?: Yes.
(4) Want to be?: No.
(5) Your birthday: October 25 1986.
(6) Age you act: Depends on who I'm with...
(7) Age you wish to be: This one is pretty good.
(8) Your height: 5 6 or so? Maybe?
(9) The color of your eyes: They change.
(10) Happy with it?: Yeah. Keeps 'em guessing.
(11) The color of your hair: Brownish.
(12) Happy with it?: Yeah.
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: Right.
(14) Your living arrangement?: Mom, dad, and Lilly.
(15) Your family?: Ranges from children to old folks. from in-school to in-carcerated.
(16) What's your job: Cashier at Pet Supplies Plus.
(17) Piercings?: None yet. This summer.
(18) Tattoos?: I kinda want one, but I'm too much of a wuss to be stabbed with a needle 65,798,432,163,549,684,251,654 times to get one...
(19) Obsessions? Rhey vary. Music is the only one that is always present.
(20) Do you speak another language?: Kinda.
(21) Have a favorite quote?: I have many.
(22) Do you have a webpage?: I have a LJ and a Myspace.
(23) Do you live in the moment?: Not really.
(24) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others: Mostly.
(25) Do you have any secrets?: Of course. Who doesn't?
(26) Do you hate yourself?: Sometimes. :-X
(27) Do you like your handwriting?: If I'm the only one reading it.
(28) Do you have any bad habits?: Yeah.
(29) What is the compliment you get most from people?: Apparently I'm really funny.
(30) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Hmm. Titles aren't my strong point. There would be a lot of car scenes though, I can tell you that.
(31) What's your biggest fear?: Everyone hating me.
(32) Can you sing: I wouldn't get far on American Idol, but I'm also not Amanda.
(33) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: No.
(34) Are you a loner?: I try to not be, though if it wasn't for the friends that call me I prolly would be.
(35) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I don't know.
(36) Are you a daredevil?: No. Big NO.
(37) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself: No fears about myself really, but I hate a lot of things about me that I don't know how to change.
(38) Are you passive or aggressive?: I think and try to act agressive, but it always backfires and comes out as being passive.
(39) Have you got a question?: What?
(40) What is your greatest strength and weakness?
Greatest Strength - Like I said, apparently I'm funny?
Greatest Weakness - Believing myself.
(41) What’s one thing you would change about yourself if you could?: Where should I start?
(42) There are three wells; love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: I don't want to be any more of a writer, so creativity is out. Love isn't something you should just pick up out of a well, so beauity?
(43) How do you vent?: I cry.
(44) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: I don't think I am, but when major shit goes down I seem to be the only one that doesn't freak out.
(45) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: I can't think of anything.
(46) Do you think life has been good so far?: Life has been fine to me. It's me that keeps getting in the way.
(47) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: I'm not old enought to have a grand outlook on life yet...
(48) What do you like the most about your body?: ........
(49) And least?: again .........
(50) Do you think you are good looking: No.
(51) Are you confident?: No.
(52) What is the fictional character you're most like?: Myself.
(53) Do people know how you feel?: Not usually.
(54) Are you perceived wrongly?: Yeah.
(55) Smoke?: No.
(56) Do drugs?: No.
(57) Read the newspaper?: Sometimes.
(58) Pray?: No.
(59) Go to church? No.
(60) Talk to strangers who IM you? Not usually.
(61) Sleep with stuffed animals?: Yes.
(62) Take walks in the rain?: More like run...
(63) Talk to people even though you hate them? If I have to.
(64) Drive?: Yes.
(65) Like to drive fast?: Faster than old people but in reason.
(66) Like your voice?: No.
(67) Hurt yourself?: Yes.
(68) Been out of the country?: Yes.
(69) Eaten something that made other people sick?: Yes.
(70) Burped?: A few minutes ago.
(71) Been unfaithful?: No.
(72) Been in love?: I hope that wasn't love...
(73) Had a surgery?: Yes.
(74) Ran away from home?: To Nikki's.
(75) Played strip poker?: No.
(76) Gotten beaten up?: No.
(77) Been picked on?: Yes.
(78) Been on stage?: Yes.
(79) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: No.
(80) Slept outdoors?: Yes.
(81) Thought about suicide?: Well yeah, but not about actually doing it. The concept.
(82) Pulled an all-nighter?: Frequently. How about an all-weeker?
(83) If yes, what is your record?: 8 days.
(84) Gone one day without food?: I think it was like, 3 days.
(85) Talked on the phone all night?: Yes.
(86) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Yes.
(87) Slept all day? Yes.
(88) Killed someone?: Heh. Yes.
(89) Made out with a stranger? No.
(90) Had sex with a stranger?: Never had sex.
(91) Thought you're going crazy?: Going? Who said anything about going?
(92) Kissed the same sex? Yes.
(93) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: No.
(94) Been betrayed?: Yes.
(95) Had a dream that came true?: No. That'd be too much drama.
(96) Broken the law?: A few.
(97) Met a famous person?: Yes. Kerry m-effing Getz.
(98) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: I hit a bird with my car...
(99) Stolen anything?: Yes.
(100) Been on radio/TV.?: Yes.
(101) Been in a mosh-pit?: Yes. Watch out for my right hook.
(102) Had a nervous breakdown?: Yes.
(103) Considered religious vocation?: No.
(104) Been criticized about your sexual performance?: No.
(105) Bungee jumped?: No.
(106) Had a dream that kept coming back?: Oh God, it was so weird. Kelly was gonna kill me, and Nick Robinson was there, and then Nic from Astronomy, and a ballroom....
(107) Shoe brand: Etnies.
(108) Brand of clothing?: Bought at a concer brand t-shirts.
(109) Cologne/perfume?: Body spray.
(110) What are normally wearing to school/ work?: Jeans and a t-shirt.
(111) Wear hats?: I think I look funny in them.
(112) Judge other people by their clothing?: Not out loud. And sometimes I'm wrong.
(113) wear make-up?: No.
(114) Favorite place to shop?: Best Buy.
(115) Favorite article of clothing?: My giganticly huge maternity sweat pants.
(116) Are you trendy?: To popular fashion?
(117) would you rather wear a uniform to work?: I don't mind that we have a t-shirt we have to wear, but a apron or smock would kill me...
(118) Believe in life on other planets?: Yes.
(119) Miracles?: Small ones.
(120) Astrology?: No.
(121) Magic?: Yes.
(122) God?: I'll go with no answer.
(123) Satan?: No.
(124) Santa?: No.
(125) Ghosts?: Yes.
(126) Luck?: Yes.
(127) Love at first sight?: No, cause that would imply that I'm shallow and only attracted to someone's looks.
(128) Yin and Yang?: What exactly is that?
(129) Witches? In the olden days maybe.
(130) Easter bunny?: No. (Jesus is coming! Hide the eggs!!!)
(131) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: It's a pretty idea.
(132) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: No. Rainbows don't actually touch the ground you dumbass.
(133) Do you wish on stars?: I used to when I was younger, but even the smallest wishes didn't come true, so I don't anymore.
LOVE, and all that
(134) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable at the sight of this?: No.
(135) Do you remember your first love?: I don't want to call him that, and yes.
(136) Still love him/her?: No.
(137) Do you consider love a mistake?: Only when it's something you can't control and it's not something you want.
(138) What do you find romantic?: Anything that be turned into something romantic if done right.
(139) Turn-ons?: Different for everybody. I love mouths though...
(140) Turn-offs?: Overly manly men.
(141) Do you base your judgment on looks alone: No.
(142) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: Would depend on who it was. Probably flattered and uncomfortable though.
(143) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: Knowing them is always handy.
(144) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable": What was?
(145) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: No, because when you fall for someone, even if they're not "cute" they become so to you. If you're attracted to someone, you're attracted to everything.
(146) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: Alex does, but he doesn't count cause he's gay.
(147) What is best about the opposite sex?: That they're the opposite sex?
(148) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: Hmmm...
(149) What's the last present someone gave you?: Other than stupid things like paperclips and scrap paper from Paul, a rose from my mom two weeks ago.
(150) Are you in love?: No.
(151) Do you consider your significant other hot?: Don't have one.
(152) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?: Smile to myself and walk away.
(153) That haunted you?: Ben.
(154) You wanted to kill?: No one seriously.
(155) That you laughed at?: My cat falling off my desk.
(156) That laughed at you?: At me as in "You're fat!" I have no idea, a joke though was Anthony and Paul.
(157) That turned you on?: No one?
(158) You went shopping with?: Nikki and I went to Walgreens earlier.
(159) To disappoint you?: My mom.
(160) To ask you out?: Alex for his birthday.
(161) To make you cry?: Mom.
(162) that you thought about?: Lilly.
(163) You saw a movie with?: Nikki and I watched "Milo & Otis" at the lake...
(164) You talked to on the phone?: Amanda.
(165) You talked to through IM?: Kendra.
(166) You saw?: Dad.
(167) You lost?: I've never lost a person....
(168) You thought was completely insane?: Me.
(169) You wanted to be?: Not me.
(170) You told off: Uh, this customer today thought I was rascist.
(171) You trusted?: Mom.
(172) Smiled?: About five minutes ago when Lilly fell.
(173) Laughed?: About an hour ago.
(174) Cried?: when I went to McDonalds around 930
(175) Bought something: Round 930
(176) Danced?: This morning.
(177) Were sarcastic?: Minutes ago?
(178) hugged someone? When dad went to bed at 11
(179) Talked to an ex?: Hmm. At school two months ago?
(180) Watched your fave movie?: Monday.
(181) Had a nightmare?: Last night.
(182) Talked on the phone?: Earlier.
(183) Listened to the radio?: A few days ago? I like CD's better...
(184) Watched TV?: at like, 5 something.
(185) Went out: I went to work today...
(186) Helped someone?: At work.
(187) Were mean?: Today at work.
(188) Sang?: A few seconds ago.
(189) Saw a movie in a theater?: May 1, with Alex.
(190) Said "I love you"?: Earlier.
(191) Missed someone?: Usually.
(192) Fought with a family member?: Around 925
(193) Fought with a friend?: Amanda and I have some weird moments.
(194) Had a serious conversation?: At work.
(195) Got drunk?: A wek weeks ago.
(196) Kissed?: May 1
(197) Cuddled?: May 1
(198) Puked?: Few weeks ago.
(199) Went to church?: I have no idea.
(200) Were bored?: Currently.
TIME NOW: 2:39am.