There's a new spy in the Mansion, though he's done a little work before, ala a film noir detective looking for a guy's missing girlfriend. This time, however, Ryuk is trying to be discreet as he sneaks around the Mansion, looking for a guy who answers to a name he's stolen off one of Tsuzuki's (not always organized) files
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Comments 8
Currently, he is in his favorite room, cleaning off his toolkit, for no real reason except that he finds it comforting, and thinking on past murders.
He's currently phasing through a wall, watching Brian, but not quite making his presence known just yet...
Brian is still cleaning his knives, humming Andy Williams under his breath. It's been a little while. He's starting to feel the itch again. (Will have to hold off for a while, until people get distracted, which they will. They always do.)
He is, thus far, unaware of company, though when he turns if Ryuk is in the room he will see him.
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