Why cant we stay gold, and keep our childhood innocence???
Why do we have to look at things for face value???
judge people on their apperence and not for the person???
I think its just rediculose that as we grow up we lose that sence of fun and security. As children we dont care about race and statice or anything like that. We just see another kid that we can play with and have fun. Why do we leave those years behind?
We shouldnt have to look at someone and say that their not good enough to be our friend just because they dont waer the latest style or because they are ofe a diffrent nationality or religion. We should take the time to get to know the person, not the image.
Thats another reason why we are so selfcentered, we focus to much on the image or what the media feed us. We act like sheep following the Sheperd, which in this case would be the media.
Why cant we go back to the sandbox days where our bigest concern is that boy/girls (what ever the opposite gender was) has cotties. Those where the happy days, we didnt care about anything but having fun and playing. We did get depressed or sad (well maybe only if it was raining and couldnt go play with friends) or any of the drama and problems we hacve to deal with today. Why cant we just look past the image and see the person on the inside and not care about what people say or think. Its just unfair.
And as time goes on the age that we start to get into the clicks and the social status and image part of life keeps going down and the more our society is corrupted by the media and showing kids false images of unrealistic things. Where did all the fun times go? When did sandboxes turn to malls and fun turn to compitions?
Why cant we stay gold as Johnny told Poneyboy to? Why do we just look at images and not the personality?
But I must say life was easier whe boys had cotties...
p.s. blame my pilosiphy class for post like these if you dont like or get annoyed...