Title : Anata no Memory(chaptered)
Parts: Chapter 8/15 + Epilogue
Pairing : [DBSK Fandom] JaeChun at prologue. Oh wait, don't run away! JaeHo, of course.
Rating : PG, drama, AU
Author : Randix
Disclaimer : No, the boys belong to themselves. I'm just a poor writer.
Summary : /AU/ How on earth will Yunho and Jae Joong find themselves together, when
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Comments 85
anyway again every chapter is getting better and better! will jaejoong go to the university of berkeley? will yunho follow along? if the 4 unite what will happen! the breakup? a new love? what is going on with jaejoong's muscles! is the stupid hospi gonna exploit jaejoong and his WHD! will chunnie wake up from his deep sleep? did junsu clean the carpet well enough? -____- GAHHHHHH! *talked too much, need water*
GAMBATTE!!!! ^___^v
sunshine scene was so cute *-*
Jae and YunHo are falling slowly x)
my god =S
JunSu likes YooChunnie xO
but... it's fine because YooSu ♥
and YunHo and Jae will go to US =s
and there 'll be JaeChun
and YunHo'll cry ;______;
because he loves BooJae so much x)
aish !
love this story
it's like heartbreaking ♥
take care~~~=*
I'm scared to read the part where Joongie will be in the same area with JunSu and Chunnie...
What will Jae do...
When his umma know about his illness, I'm sure JunSu will know it too sooner or later... T__T
Can't wait to read the next chapter!!! ^____________^
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