I haven't made a fully public post in like seven million months. And I don't really have anything real to post, except that I've been feeling stupidly sentimental and love all my friends far too much sooo
These two, for submitting themselves to my bitching
Ross, (need I say more?) for everything, plus letting me touch his knees at grad
This one, for fixing all my life problems with pro/con lists
These two, for making Acting 11 so fucking fun
Faith, for all the reasons everyone else loves her too
These two, for being the hottest people in my life
These two, for being the cutest couple of my life
Dylan, for making living so fun
And, this one, for making me believe in love (and myself)
Also, Kiri (who for some reason, I couldn't find a picture of) for being one of the most inspiring strong-spirited women I've ever met
And everyone who took one of these pictures (seeing as I took a total of zero of them)
And everyone who I've neglected to formally give props to (because you're all awesome and I love you all)