Devil's Tower, Wyoming
Agent HUNK paces back and forth on the flat rocky top of the plateau, the crunch of his treaded combat boots breaking the stillness of the night. After Jill's last response, he closes the screen on his laptop and latches it, then places it back into its nylon carrying case hooked on his side.
Devil's Tower they called this place. In Kiowa Indian mythology it was said that once upon a time, seven little girls were playing in the woods far from home when they came upon some bears that chased after them. They found refuge on a great rock that rose into the sky with them on it, making them into stars. The bears tried to pursue them, but all their efforts were in vain. To this day, long "claw marks" can still be seen in its sides.
HUNK wasn't much for legend, but one thing was for certain, this area was tactically sound. The tower itself was surrounded by open ground, making it easy to pick out any attempts at surveillance or to sneak an ambush in. The height of the tower (some 1,267 feet) offered protection from sniping attempts, and the only way to the top short of climbing was via helicopter or PINpoint.
Chris is currently sitting on his backside 5 feet away from HUNK. He is handcuffed in the front, and a cigarette is in the corner of his mouth. He's dressed in a simple white t-shirt and black cargo pants. The usual white bandages cover his missing eye and the top half of his head.
With a final glance at his watch, HUNK double-checks his weapons and the remote control on his belt. If things went FUBAR, there was always Plan B. In this line of work, it was a must.
He resumes his careful pacing, keeping an eye out for any signs of foul play.