I was explaining to my mom what The Last Five Years is today. I told her about the song Shiksa Goddess and she told me what Shiksa means, I mean I had an idea, and she confirmed it. Shiksa is the name for any non-Jewish woman.
Then she went on to tell me that Tara is a shiksa. This made me giggle.
So, a week ago I auditioned for my school's Men's Barbershop. I auditioned for Lead. What the audition was was first a workshop, and then we had to sing a song that the guy running the workshop wrote
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was amazing, to say the least. Not to mention that a certain someone that is very, vey special to me told me something that made me lightyears happier than I have ever previously felt in my entire life. Seriously
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Was amazing. Especially Tara. And I'm not just saying that because she's my girlfriend; she really was the best performer. Seriously. She's so incredibly talented and amazing and beautiful...I can't even put it into words really
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is Assassins. I am sad that I waited this long to listen to it. It was unbelieveable. Like Sweeney Todd unbelieveable. Not better than Sweeney, but still absolutely amazing.
So I got back last night from the trip to the Utah Shakespearian Festival. Before I say if I had a good or bad time, let me say what happened, and then you can be the judge on whether I had fun or not
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