
May 07, 2006 21:56

I had already went but I came back home and re-went to take pics.
As you can see, I'm ready. Are you? :)
Oh wait, I'm not. I need to get batteries due to the very short life of this camera.

On my way to Jay's Deli a spider was on the window. He was swiftly taken care of.

These woods hold countless childhood memories. I once smoked a stick in there...
..I don't recommend it...

This place also holds memories. But they're countable.

While remeniscing, I felt I had to excrete. Only a slight hinderance on my agenda.

See? I'm ready again.

I was too lazy to walk to Jay's.

Look, I'm Gloria :P

I got a 4 pack of energizer. While I was asking for them at the counter
the lady started to slightly shake her head,
I think she thought I was about to ask for a 4 pack of cigarettes...
She was wrong.

Speed bumps are back :/. They're fun if you're on a bike,
but you get yelled at for trying to make jumps off them with a car.

These trees seem to want to come along with me.

But there was not enough room.

I used to catch the ice cream truck here. It's never about just getting the ice cream,
It's a game of catch-the-ice-cream-truck or tag. The ice cream is just the reward.

...Eh?...(I actually thought it was a box of condums)

The trip wouldn't be as enjoyable without this.

I don't see an engine, petals or breaks. It's not very fun to get places with this.
However, it looks cool, even though no one would look cool on it.

This control box has a du-rag. That's all.

?...Trees are already solar powered. This is pointless.

On days like this, city-born children enjoy games of basketball.

I took a small detour to Strawtown Farms to take this picture. I've always like this view,
however it's much better in winter when it has snowed.
Now I'm back on Timber Trail and on my journy.

What?! No sir I will not!
What a bossy fellow he was.

A few weeks ago I saw an abandoned snow hat lying on this stump. I had to blow my nose
and there were no big leaves around, so I had to think about it.
I decided not to because it was covered in dirt and spider webs.
...Now that I think about it; Why isn't it here anymore? Did the owner want it back that badly?
That's true love.

My dad called on the way. I didn't pick up fast enough.
Gloria didn't call.

These were very beautiful, and were complimented by the sunlight.
I was very pleased at the camera's skill at capturing the detail.

I have no idea what the hell this is or what it's from! But weve built up a
kind of relationship since it's been there for a while.
It's kinda like passing an aquaintence in the hallway at school.

They'll never know what the real world is like...

This house used to look like it wasn't tended to since the 40s, and I thought
it was a haunted house. But someone fixed it up recently, which is kind of diasappointing...

At least they left the shed thing alone.

When I got there I discovered that there was a soccer game.
I used to play soccer kinda. I really just picked the grass and flowers
because no one would give me the ball.

There were 2 paths to take: the bridge or the...Thing. I came in via the thing
but I left via the bridge.

This is the inside view. It's very long, yes. When I'm exercizing I always run across
as sort of a tradition. I didn't this time since today is a chill day :)

This is how I used to see it long ago :(

Back then and even to this day this has been a cool spot. You can't go down there
to hang out with friends or anything, which is a pity. I think it's a supreme
place to shoot a music video.

My shadow thinks I'm handsome so it trys to sneak a pic of me but
I know better than to turn my back on him. I think he has a crush on me :/

A lovely couple having a picnic.
How romantic :)

Yay, my journey is complete n_n. As you can see there were many people here

Doing things such as volley ball

And fishing with Gramps.

Now to do what I came here to do...

Swing like the wind~! :D

After a half hour or so I decided to travel the beach.
The waters were abnormally low today.
...I've always wondered what's beyond those trees, where the Rez begins.

This is a placve you swim out to do dive and whatnot.
I went there one year and it wasn't that bad. I was fearful of the creatures
that coud potentially be there.
Incidentally, that was the last year I swam in the Rez.

For some reason this platform used to be my favorite place on the beach.
Others are there now...

This used to be my post sometimes. No, I was never a lifeguard.
Oh well, I've had enough nostalgia and entertainment for one day.
Time to return home.

This caught my eye on the way out (via the bridge way), and I
found it extremely intreguing. I didn't know trees liked metal.
That's it; I've decided. This'll now be called Metal Eater.

I didn't just want a closer look; I needed it.

I also was curious as to what the underside looked like
so I looked to see if there was a tounge or something.

But all I found were webs and what was either cocoons or spider egg sacs.

Although the camera is great at detail, this still
looked more beautiful in real life.

See? Awsome place. Kind of reminds me of the
old medditerranian empires for some reason.

I was very shocked at this. Look closely, you can see what
looks like a wepon of some sort.

Amazing what you can find behind waterfalls.

Speaking of fallen kindoms, I've found some ruins in Highland Mills!! :D
Lets go exploring! n.n


In the old days I would've loved to go exploring these woods. But I've become such a pussy...

Oh well. My favorite flower will cheer me up with a show of brave parachuters :)

I would not like to live here. It's not a good idea.

Nature makes such pretty stuff.

No one really appreciates grass. It's pretty, is the support beam to the food chain,
And is bustling with life. Ants must have many cool adventures in it.

I call this "hope"

On the way home I like to walk on this. For the most part it's a smooth ride.

Other times not so much.

I encountered some obsticles, which I managed to overcome usually.

Sometimes it was hopeless.

Many times, I want to do this.

Muahahaha! Now no one will ever know >:D

Buses have been stopping for me here for 15 years.

Many a game of truth or dare has been played here.

I wish there was something I could do to cheer up this tree.

Not quite Holland, but it works. They point me towards home.
Alright, I'll follow your lead.

Thank you, now I've returned home. That's the computer room.
...I wonder if I got any new porn.

For 17 years I've seen this same door. It means a lot to me.
Maybe I can go back in time with this.

Lets go in.

Now the top


This is the first thing to do

Oh yeah

Don't forget this.

Now I gotta wash my hands. A sick kid coulda been on those swings...

That's better.
But now I'm thirsty.

Delicious. Now to check the computer.

No one IMed me...

But I got new porn! :D

Now I'm off to tend to it. Bye! And thanks for coming with me n.n
I had lots fun.

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