I decided that I wanted to clean up my journal and communities over this next week (YAY Reading Week! \o/), and to start the whole process off, I wanted to pool all my vid recs together to put in big shiny posts that would sit in my memories for easy access. That was until I realized that I don't actually rec that many vids here. 0_0 So, I went about the process of first organizing all the vids that I have collected, and though they were already organized by fandom, they are now also separated into two subcategories of "favourites" and "general", and it is those in the "favourites" folder that I will be recommending here.
I'm going to be doing this fandom by fandom, so if anyone wants to tell me which one I should hit next, please go right ahead. Also, please keep in mind that these are only my favourites, and that opinion is completely subjective. If you feel that I have overlooked a vid and want to tell me so, I don't mind that; I may not know the vid you are referring to, or I might be looking at it from the wrong angle and not seeing how good it is. Also, I always encourage vid discussion here, so come and discuss! However, I am not going to argue about them; some vids just don't work for me, whether it be musical choice, an unconvincing argument, or just technical stuff, some vids are not my thing.
I'm starting off with Supernatural because I promised
__tiana__. All the older recs that I have made before are at the bottom, and unfortunately I didn't write whole new recommendation notes for those (actually I did, but LJ ate the entry last Monday), so for the vidders mentioned "I'm sorry, you get a cut and paste job".
sweetestdrain - Windowsill
sweetestdrain - Growing Up
ringwench - Fell on Black Days
sockkpuppett - Devil's Trap
sockpuppett - Shuffle
sisabet - Turn You Inside Out
astartexx - Jesus Christ
Charmax - Protege Moi
Charmax - Deus Ibi Est
Charmax - The Way We Get By
Destina - Want
Isketch42 - All In A Day's Work
proofpudding - Running Up The Hill
killabeez - S.O.S.
killabeez - Promise
morgandawn - God Says Nothing Back
sockkpuppett - Bricks
dragonfly_sg1 - Carol of the Supernatural
greensilver - Ghost Song
ringwench - Born To Kill
halcyon_shift - All That I Am
halcyon_shift - Faultline
Title: Windowsill
SweetestdrainSong / Artist: Windowsill - Arcade Fire
http://sweetestdrain.livejournal.com/185470.html Because the tide is high / and it's rising still / and I don't wanna see it at my windowsill.
A Sam centric vid that gives a truly epic feel to the life that John and the YED (Azazel) have given him. A life that Sam didn't choose, and one that just keeps getting more dire and complex, with stakes that get higher, and danger more intense. This vid displays it all beautifully!
When I first saw that Sweetestdrain used an Arcade Fire song for Supernatural I had my doubts, but I can't stop watching and loving this vid. Windowsill is a vid that I can't watch just once, I have to watch it three or four times in a row, before I can force myself to move on from it.
My favourite section is the second build of the music at the end of the vid, and the clips of the YED coming in the door at 2:44, the lightning timed to the cymbals at 2:50, and the shot of Sam at the funeral at 2:54 matched with the horn section.
Title: Growing Up
SweetestdrainSong / Artist: Growing Up - Peter Gabriel
http://sweetestdrain.livejournal.com/195788.html Again with the odd musical choices for Supernatural that Sweetestdrain makes work. This vid focuses on how the boys grew up to become hunters, and the dirty things that surviving job entails. I can't speak to vidder intent, but both boys look weary by the end, and I noticed how as time passes the things they hunt look more -- and are closer to being -- human.
My favourite moments include the clip of young Dean picking up a gun over the line "looking for a place to live" at 0:43; 1:06 this use of the hookman is like nothing I have seen, and I have no idea why it works so well here and not-so-well in everyone else's vids; 2:03 where Dean and Gordon clink glasses in a happy celebratory moment; 2:42 when Sam lights a match and burns the grave; 2:50 Dean starting to fire on beat, with the previous clips acting as a build up; and the end with the Impala driving away.
Title: Fell on Black Days
RingwenchSong / Artist: Fell on Black Days - Soundgarden
http://ringwench.livejournal.com/175983.html Whatsoever I've fought off became my life
A Sam centric vid focusing on how dark Sam's life has become, and how his powers and the possibility of turning evil is at the center of it all. Soundgarden is a solid choice for Sam's voice, and this vid is a great look into the fears that Sam has about turning darkside.
My favourite moments are the opening shot of Sam in Cold Oak; 1:07 with the coffee cup falling, hitting on beat, and allowing the music and speed of the vid to change for a moment; the use of a defuse glow and colour to represent memories, and a peephole type of mask to allow for Dean's experiences when Sam isn't there to witness it himself; and at 3:02 when Sam is thinking about turning evil matched to the line "so don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly".
Title: Devil's Trap
Vidder: Luminosity /
sockkpuppettSong / Artist: Gimmie Shelter (remix) - Rolling Stones
http://sockkpuppett.livejournal.com/433612.html If I don't get some shelter/ Ya, I'm gonna fade away
All of season two distilled into five minutes and fifty-three seconds. AWESOME!!!
There are a lot of little moments in this vid of note. At 00:43, the use of Dean falling through a door at the circus to continue the inner movement left; 00:54 the shot of Dean at the cemetery looking at the circle burned in the grass, which changes the inner motion which had been going counter clockwise for several clips to clockwise; 1:32 Where Sam seems to be vibrating against the door on the music as he keeps the hell hounds out; 2:10 the use of the little girls skipping rope together; the placing of the possessed Sam over a section of the music that sounds very different from the rest of the remix; and at 4:16 Sam being stabbed with the line "ya, I'm gonna fade away".
Title: Shuffle
Vidder: Luminosity /
sockkpuppett Song / Artist: Shuffle - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
http://sockkpuppett.livejournal.com/379272.html One before the soulmate dreamer/ one before the wicked man/ one before the peaceful protest/ that keeps the war in demand/ who knows if I'll see you again.
This vid is nice overview of the boys, their dad, and the fact that they are DOOMED! The life of a Winchester is seriously tragic, and if you don't get your ass killed, then you'll either sacrifice yourself for a family member, or become unrecognizable to yourself through the job. Say your goodbyes NOW!
Favourite moments include the shot of the reaper looking back at Dean at 0:32; John laying down the colt on the line "One before the peaceful protest" at 1:22, as if he is laying down all his weapons; and Dean jumping into the grave at 1:46 when the singer yells "whoo".
Title: Turn You Inside Out
Song / Artist: Turn You Inside Out - REM
http://sisabet.livejournal.com/352641.html We often say that it isn't what the boys say it is what they don't say, but just like with words the Winchesters are defined by the choices they don't make as much as the ones they do. Turn You Inside Out covers a vast amount of ground; highlighting what is going on in the boys relationship with their father and one another, by showing what isn't happening. This is such a great vid, and I can't recommend it enough.
My favourite sections are 1:47 when Dean swings a machete and it turns into Dean with the aerosol can on fire, and 2:17 when the clips go from John picking up little Dean to Dean jumping in a grave and back again - echoing how John almost raises Dean from the dead in his deal with the Y.E.D.
Title: Jesus Christ
AstartexxSong / Artist: Jesus Christ - Brand New
http://astartexx.livejournal.com/62675.html Jesus Christ; I'm not scared to die but I'm a little bit scared of what comes after.
I first saw this vid on Stage6, and the website had lovingly inserted white flashes over almost every downbeat, ruining the experience for me. However, after numerous people spoke about the vid I downloaded a proper version of it and have watched it on repeat ever since. The colour and effects work in this vid alone should be envied, and I love the amount of non-human visuals even more.
The vid is about Dean dealing with death in all of its forms, and the vid overflows with his insecurities, the things he is unsure of, the people who will leave him to death, and those he will leave when his deal runs out. It will break your heart!
My favourite shots are at 0:32 the toy soldiers, which I could write a whole post about the symbolism as it relates to Dean, but I have a vid planned for that instead (to be released in 2050 knowing me); the shot of Dean walking out of the cemetery at 1:16 over the lyric "when I arrive I won't know anyone"; the shot of Dean looking up at 1:20 simply because he is ridiculously pretty; the apple in colour while the surround is desaturated at 1:28; Sam & Dean disappearing at 2:14; The shot of Dean in the hospital bed looking up at Sam on the lyric "But I've had some time alone"; Sam beating on the door with the drum at 2:38; and Sam hitting Dean to make him bow his head in church at 3:33.
But I'm scared I'll get scared and I swear I'll try to nail you back up
Title: Protege Moi
CharmaxArtist / Song: Protege Moi - Placebo
http://charmax.livejournal.com/60679.html I don’t think that I actually get from this vid what I am suppose to get, but I love the the selective colour effect too much not to recommend it, or not to watch it repeatedly. There is just something intoxicating about this vid, and my favourite shot is once again a non-human shot (I'm getting kind of predictable at this point) of the church candles at 1:08.
Title: Deus lbi Est
charmaxSong / Artist: Mark Lanegan - Deus Ibi Est
http://charmax.livejournal.com/92603.html Oh demons I shall shame you / Look down the barrel of my gun and one by one I'll name you
BEST JOHN VID EVER! The vocals alone are just SO John! The vid is a look at the fight against demons through John's eyes, and the legacy he leaves behind.
My favourite sections are 0:27 to 0:30 Where the demons overtake the camera on beat, then move to the demons leaving the gate, and then to the ventilation fan in the warehouse from IMToD. At 1:36 when the crescent moon nightlight in Sam's room flashes to the bass drum, and at 2:40 as the Y.E.D. bounces to the bass drum, and is followed up by the ghost of John.
Title: The Way We Get By
charmaxSong / Artist: The Way We Get By -
http://charmax.livejournal.com/90543.html A fun and humorous look at how the boys roll! This vid will put a smile on your face, guaranteed! :DDD
I really like the group of shots with the boys on the trunk of the car at 1:01-1:06; Dean tasting the magic dirt at 1:17 over the line "you bought a new bag of pot"; and the shots of Dean holding up money and ID at 1:23 & 1:24, he just looks so happy and smug.
Title: WANT
destinaSong / Artist: Want - Recoil
http://destina.livejournal.com/411786.html I want to watch you lose control / I want to watch you lose
THE vid in the demon POV. Seeing this posted just after Vividcon 07 was a treat; the first Supernatural vid that I had come across that was told from the demon's perspective (although you could make the argument that it is from the viewer perspective as well), and I have yet to see it done as well since. This is a visceral, seductive, wicked little vid that will stay with you.
My favourite sections are the shots of the colt being made over the line "I want the name of the ruiner" at 0:30; the shot of Meg blowing out a candle on the lyric "I want you to know that being kind is overrated" at 0:43; The shockwave at 1:25 to the synthetic beat; the shot of the crib burning over the end of the line "and I will always be hungry"; and the shot of the demon inside the burning house as the music decays at 2:23.
And I want / and I want / and I want / And I will always be hungry
Title: All in a Day’s Work
Vidder: Isketch42
Song / Artist: Paul Oakenfield - Ready, steady, Go
http://lsketch42.livejournal.com/19778.html Not the typical song choice for Superntural, but since the vid isn't going for something dark and angsty, and the vid is both technically and structurally solid, it doesn't matter. Lots of effects; ranging from a generous use of defuse glow, colour work, and masking can be found throughout the vid, and give it a very different feel than most Supernatural vids [that I have seen].
The vid showcases all parts of the boy's job; from research at the library, to morgue duty, to a little B&E. And my favourite parts are the picture in picture shots at 1:29 and 1:31 of the cop car and then the paperclip, and the changing light colour from red, to yellow, to green on the lyric "ready, steady, go" at 1:50.
Title: Running Up That Hill
ProofpuddingSong / Artist: Running Up that Hill (cover) - Placebo
Link imeem:
http://profile.imeem.com/mbbd_z/video/2SwvLve7/running_up_that_hill/ This vid has some minor issues, and isn’t as technically strong as the other vids here(aspect ratio problems mostly), but you can’t deny the emotion, or the fact that the vidders intent and love for the boys comes shining through. Get tissues because this one WILL make you cry!!! A couple of vidders have used this song since; it is a perfect song for the deal that Dean made to save Sam, but I do believe that Proofpudding was the first.
If I only could make a deal with God, and get him to swap our places
Title: Promise
killabeezSong / Artist: Promise - Mirah
Link: Offline
Can it be understood the reasons why you belong to me?
If the previous vid didn't make you cry, then this one will! If you were one of the people lucky enough to get this vid from Killa before she took it offline, then I hope you realize just how beautiful this piece is. A heartbreaking vid -- that had to be incredibly difficult to time considering the song -- that looks at the love between the two boys. This one will hit you way down deep in your gut, it will grab hold of a piece of you and make you ache, I swear!
My favourite moments are at 0:46 when the indicator on the Ouija board goes to yes; the shot of the boys walking down the country road together at 1:33, over a simple guitar; and the shot of Dean crossfading into the shot of John's funeral at 2:05 over the lyric "with the ramparts built so high".
Title: S.O.S.
killabeezSong / Artist: S.O.S. - Rhianna
Link: Offline
I'm not even a Wincester, but it is impossible not to love this vid to death! If you think that Supernatural should never be paired with a pop song then you haven't seen this vid, because in the hands of Killa EVERYTHING WORKS! Small movements are reinterpreted to show just how hot Dean and Sam are for one another, and whether you look at this vid as humor, or reinforcing your own beliefs about the boys, you'll enjoy every second. Warning: You will never be able to hear this song again without thinking of this vid.
Favourite parts include 0:41 when Dean is pulled into the hotel room by Sam with the line "Hold me close boy, 'cause I'm your tiny dancer" simply because the fact that Dean is the tiny one at 6'1" makes me laugh. The look on Dean's face at 0:55 when Sam gets out of the shower, since in this context it really does look that he is shocked (in a good way) at Sam's half-nakedness; Sam pointing to himself at 1:18 and the follow up clip of Dean always makes me think of this vid when I see them elsewhere; Sam waking up from his dream of Dean at 1:52; and Sam's bitchface at 2:42.
Title: God Says Nothing Back
morgandawnSong / Artist: God Says Nothing Back - The Wallflowers
Download link:
http://www.morgandawn.com/VidEntry.html (password instructions on the vid page)
Streaming link:
http://morgandawn.imeem.com/video/XLkt3l5V/spn_godsays/ This vid is in Sam's point of view, and it tells the story of how the 4 main people in Sam's life are taken from him or put in danger. When Sam asks God, time, love and death why these things happen he is given no answers. A beautiful vid and understated vid that utilizes outside source to great effect.
This is the vid that got me interested in the fandom in the first place, and is a must have in my book. I saw it on the Vividcon DVD, and I watched it 5 times in a row because the source was so pretty!
My favourite moments are at 00:21 where we see Dean walking out of frame and the blood dripping down the wall from the U.K. promo matched with the Vox Continental organ; 02:17 where we get to follow the blood dripping off of Dean's lip to the out-source of the blood falling into the water, which allows the vid to pause and shift focus; the matching of a shot of Jessica with the line "burried under leaves blood red and gold"; 03:58 the dove flying in front of fire, and the statue of Mary in the fire adds some levity and hope to an otherwise sad and remorseful vid.
God says nothing back but I told you so
Title: Bricks
sockkpuppettSong / Artist: Enter Aretha - Metallica featuring Aretha Franklin
http://sockkpuppett.livejournal.com/367238.htmlLink stage6 streaming:
http://sockkpuppett.livejournal.com/438339.html Bricks is an overview of the boys on the job, their no nonsense attitude towards it, and the responsibility imparted on them by their father to save people and hunt things [the family business]. The vid shows the way the boys were brought up to fight the supernatural, and where the myth-arc takes them over season 1 and into season 2.
Bricks is one of
sockkpuppett's most downloaded vids and with good reason; it has a great song that is both exactly what you find playing on the show, and exactly the opposite. And it is a HELL of a lot of fun to watch!
My favourite sections are Dean coming out of the water with the growing intensity in the music at 0:55; the fade from young Dean to big Dean at 1:16; when the scarecrow sends a scyth into his victim at 1:34; and the change from Sam swinging an iron rod to Dean smashing the mirror at 1:39.
Who you carrying all those bricks for any way?/ Think about it
Title: Carol of the Supernatural
dragonfly_sg1Song / Artist: Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24) - Trans-Siberian Orchestra
http://dragonfly-sg1.livejournal.com/1458.html Gorgeous music, gorgeous visuals, great timing, cutting and movement that builds; can you ask for anything better? Though the vid does in-part bookend itself with the last scene from Everybody Loves a Clown, the vid as a whole is more of an abstract stream of consciousness through the boys' journey from the pilot to Simon Said. It is a little twisted to have Christmas music used for a Supernatural vid, but Supernatural is kind of twisted, so it works! There is mystery in this vid, and it is wrapped in tension.
My favourite moments are 0:07 when we move through the trees, first with the shot of the impala from Route 666 and then in the POV of the camera in Scarecrow - it is CREEPY; 0:32 when Dean smashes the car window when the music changes; 1:34 when the fingers of the striga give way to the tapping of fingers on the window by the demon clown; at 2:28 with the force coming out of the window to the strings of the orchestra; 2:39 the shot of Dean stumbling paired with the music here; 2:47 the shot of Dean in pain matched with the higher notes of the guitar make it seem like Dean is screaming.
Title: Ghost Song
greensilverSong / Artist: Ghost Song - Patrick Wolf
http://greensilver.livejournal.com/339923.html This level of creepy is rarely seen in vids, and nothing is befitting Supernatural more than the creepy factor. Ghost Song is a character of study of Sam, focusing on his visions and telekinetic ability, as well as, the people that he loves. There is a great use of Metaphor where the word "Beauty" is used to represent the two people who mean the most to Sam, as well as some really great use of what the music [beyond the lyrics] is offering.
My favourite moments are at 0:33 when the window opens on a sound in the song that is reminiscent of two things scrapping together; 1:19 when Jessica grabs Sam from the grave and Sam wakes up with a start paired with the Patrick Wolf saying "whoop"; 1:49 the shot of Dean looking at Sam on the lyric "to come bring beauty" followed by the impala driving along; and Sam waking up twice at the end.
Today I woke / And my spirit was gone
Title: Born to Kill
ringwenchSong / Artist: Born to Kill - Matthew Good Band
http://ringwench.livejournal.com/167682.html This vid is a weapons focused take on the way the boys were raised and what they were trained to do, with their weapons acting as an extension of themselves -- which leads into the Colt and its importance.
My favourite sections of this vid are at 00:09 with the establishing shot of the gun (the Colt) here, setting the viewer up to take note of the weaponry to follow and the relationship (geographic, emotional, physical) the boys have to them; 00:59 with the shadow of the mobile cross-fading into the black figure of the Y.E.D. standing over the crib to the lyric "....like Satan", it is the good kind of creepy; 01:08 - 1:26 the Impala is repeatedly matched to the strumming of the lead guitar, giving the car its own instrument and place within the music; 01:41 the reveal of John matched to the rise in the music; 01:52 the drop of John's journal over "born to buy into something" is almost religious, like the dropping of a bible - this is what the boys will live by; and 01:53 when "born to kill" matched over young Dean holding a shot gun.
Born to buy into something / born to kill
Title: All That I Am
Vidder: Lithium_doll /
halcyon_shiftSong / Artist: Rob Thomas - All The I Am
http://www.alter-idem.comimeem Link:
http://lithiumdoll.imeem.com/video/_AlTN4CZ/lithium_doll_spn_allthatiam/ If you are looking for a vid that will rip your heart out, stomp on it, and then hand it back to you with a pretty little smile on its face, then THIS is that vid! The Winchesters lie, cheat, steal, kill, and die for one reason, and that is family! This vid shows their struggles, their pain, and their sacrifices, while overlaying it all with a sense of duty, and love. There is poetry in this vid!
My favourite moments being 1:22 with Dean throwing Sam down to highlight the change in music and change in POV; 1:28 the transition from Sam pushing down the lid of the trunk to Dans hands reaching down for Sam; 1:52 the clip choice of AWESOME, with Dean shooting from Croatoan with the drum in the music; 1:56 the fact that she reversed the rack focus not by just reversing the clip but with masks; 2:54 - 3:16 This whole section, from going back to the mobile and transitioning to the funeral pire, to the flashbacks of the little Winchesters and the pictures, all of it; 4:14 the fire through the title screen.
I am the white dove for a soldier / Ever marching as to war / I would give my life to save you / I stand guarding at your door / I give you all that I am
Title: Evening on the Ground
Song / Artist: Iron Wine - Evening on the Ground
Vidder: Lithium_doll /
http://www.alter-idem.com/index.php?now=2&id=68Imeem Link:
http://lithiumdoll.imeem.com/video/04cVvU1C/spn_eveningontheground_tv_video/ An unconventionally structured vid from Dean's point of view at the guilt and blame that he takes on; over what has happened to Sam; about the job that John has raised him to do, and all the lies, secrets, violence, and pain that goes along with it. This vid is fun to watch on a loop, especially when you find things that you didn't see upon first viewing (i.e. in a shot of Dean outside the bar from Bugs the neon sign changes from Billiards to "Liar" thanks to a mask).
Two of my favourite moments in this vid, besides the change of the neon sign, are at 0:29 with Dean is circling the picture of a girl in the obituary section of the paper on the lyric "Baby bones", symbolizing that the girl was a innocent victim. And at 1:36 when Dean is seen nodding on the percussion bell.
Title: Fault Line
Song / Artist: Fault Line - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
halcyon_shift, Lithium_doll
http://www.alter-idem.com/index.php?now=2&id=73 There is a pensive sadness here, and an implication that the force propelling the boys forward is both of their own making and that of others; that they might be spending all their energy just keeping one step ahead of their own demons and one foot out of the grave.
The vid is short, running at only a minute thirty, but for a fan of Supernatural it says everything it needs to say in that time, and even ends on a positive and hopeful note, despite being so dark and heavy throughout.
My favourite moment is at 1:02 with the shot of Sam on the bed and Dean watching him over the line "from the banks of the far side" followed by the shot of Dean racing in the impala to the crossroads over "I see the lights come ashore". Dean can't reach Sam who has crossedover, but he has found a way to save him, as if the lights will guide the way. Help has come!
Racing with the rising tide to my father's door