Jan 17, 2008 17:32
Who: OU!Mello & OU!Near.
Where: Near's room?
When: Late Evening, before the doors shut.
What: Near wants to see Mello's wounds.
Rating: Errr....R-NC-17 just to be safe~ |D
Quiet...it had been quiet for some time Near noted, as he set the gift Noir had given him on the dresser, giving the doll or "Stitches" as his twin had decided to name it one last glance before he made his way to the door.
He had said he would go visit Mello - he was curious about the boy's wounds and naturally wanted to see. Mello had always been stubborn but he'd finally agreed, and because of this the surprise visit Near was planning to make right now shouldn't have been so surprising.
A hand on the door handle he pushed the door open, his wide eyes greeted with an empty scene before he turned his back and pulled the barrier shut, backing up --
That is until his back came into contact with something. Something that was not a wall and something that held a faint scent of chocolate.
So much for a surprise.