me & chianti
adam carlson, me & victoria.
victoria and i
adam, heidi, victoria.
adam & victoria.
brother and sister!! kaity and adam.
gorgeous heidi and i.
kaity and chianti
where fingers are supposed to be.
josh and shameka
josh tryin to be napoleon dynamite
chianti lol at applebees
shameka at applebees
chianti and shameka. chianti looks like one of those creepy dolls thats head spins around LOL like chucky or somethin
this waiter, TJ, chianti and shameka think is h0tttt. me and shameka left him love notes lmao. i don't even think hes hot but i was just havin fun.
mine said "TJ = hot. I'LL mend your broken heart. luv & hugs & (drawing of lips) -ariane" with my phone number on it hahaha. I didn't even find him attractive, i was just messin. Shameka's was long. the beginning said "TJ - Thank you for being so so so so hot." -- he just broke up with his longtime GF like a few months ago :( sad. thats why i put "I'LL Mend your broken heart" haha.
quote of the day.
"you actually dressed trendy today." - kyle b. he said it like it was a bad thing.