I can't believe I was so scared to walk down the aisle. That was until the rehearsal then I realized it was easy. Good stuff. Under the cut are some of the first digital pictures sent to us from his mother. All of the original full sized ones are on our site for the curious web browsing happy people (no passwords).
My advice for people still waiting for the day is to relax. There's no sense letting things stress you out when you can't magically make things perfect.
Example: One of my bridemaids lost her dress. Not kidding. She knows her crackhead, now ex boarder, had stolen it.
After the hair salon on the day of the wedding we entered the mall, me with hair/makeup all done up with my veil in place. We picked up a dress from Sears for her. Unfortunately they didn't have the raspberry colour her actual dress was so she wore black. OH no, she didn't match. I honestly didn't care as long as my best friend was standing up there with me. We checked other stores at the mall too and all the shop girls had to know what we doing there on my wedding day. We made quite a story for them.
Issue #2: Flowers are delivered to the church and my flower girl HAS NO FLOWERS. This was the one thing I almost flipped about. The florist also switched all 3 mother corsages to wristlets when we specifically asked for one of the 3 to be so and the other 2 pin on. Sent brother in law to run the grocery store to get a little bouquet for my daughter which you can see in the whole party pic.
Reception hall
Here we are, the little boy, my nephew, was actually an usher but made pictures extra cute.
Alison, Jason, sisters Katy and Angela. No Leslie (BM with lost dress) as she had too much drama going on and was only at the reception for a couple of minutes.
His brother Jonathan, sister Ashley, Jeremy and Amy.
We had already cut the cake. The pro photographer and videographer already had it but people made us re-pose to get shots. A bit of Grrrr here.
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