"Ah, hey shorty. Way to state the obvious." Tatsuki waved at the redheaded boy absentmindedly,
still somewhat in awe of the level of carnage on the scene.
She said nothing to Akon, but stared for quite a long moment. She had seen him somewhere before... Shaking her head, she turned to Chappy, who had approached the scene (quietly, thank goodness).
"Chappy, run to the store and get bandages and a first-aid kit." Chappy bounced and took off, running exactly as she was told.
"WAIT!" Tatsuki suddenly called back her servant. Taking a deep breath, she clarified her orders: "PURCHASE the bandages. Don't just take them." Chappy saluted and was off again.
Arisawa Tatsuki learned from her mistakes.
Jinta shrugged, moving to crouch next to Tatsuki, bat held at his side. He eyed the large hulk of a man that had proven quite effectively that he was alive and still kicking by growling impatiently at the man that had approached. Another shinigami--these guys were like that mythical beast, the one that gained two heads for every head that was chopped off. Seemed like there were way more of them than Jinta remembered there being.
"You're the one that asked the question with the obvious answer." He countered, tapping his bat against the ground as he eyed the extent of the guys wounds. This guy looked like it would take half a dozen first aid kits to even hope to cover all the injuries he had. "You shouldn't ask a question if ya don't want an answer."
That piece of wisdom shared, Jinta leaned over and poked a spot that looked relatively injury-free on the hulking mammoth of shinigami. "Oi. Taichou. Who kicked your ass?"
"Unfortunately, time is one thing that we do not have much of. But of course I understand. My apologies for causing you undue vexation," Akon said evenly, though he privately felt that there couldn't have been a more convenient time for questioning. For him, at least. 11th divisioners were only semi-tolerable when they couldn't use their sword arm, whether that be due to injury or death.
For the most part, Akon ignored the boy, though he did have to make an effort to conceal an amused smirk at his antics. Watching the child prod and pester the shinigami captain, Akon was strongly reminded of someone baiting the bear. After glancing over Zaraki-taichou's wounds again, he turned to the girl.
"Does your gigai have the money to purchase enough first-aid kits?" he asked, a bit dubiously. "Splints may be helpful as well."
"Zaraki-taichou, I'm afraid I'm not equipped with all the necessary equipment needed to treat the extent of your injuries, but I do have painkillers," Akon remarked mildly, slipping a tiny capped syringe of pale green liquid out of his lab coat's sleeve. To be truthful, it was actually a type of neurotoxin, and even the small dosage present in the syringe was lethal. Like their captain, most 12th divisioners had a substantial, and varied, arsenal of other weaponry besides their zanpakutos.
But, it's a common rule that practically any substance has dual natures, as a medicine or as a poison. It just depends on the dosage. Akon managed to maintain his poker-face as he waits for a reaction.
Kenpachi grunted in annoyance as the kid prodded him with something like a big stick. The hell was the problem with these people? Couldn't they just let him sleep this off? What did they have to bother a guy for? He thought there was supposed to be something societal thing about not messing with injured and sick people, but in his experience, it seemed to be the exact opposite. The captain responded to the poking with a grumbled "Fuck off, brat... Ain't none'a yer business who's been messin' with me. Woulda wiped the gravel with your ass is all you need ta know..."
Irritating him even further was the fact that the other guy, who he was completely sure now was from the fucking twelfth division with all his 'undue vexation' shit and the fact that he walked around on his own with painkillers, still was not shutting up. Kenpachi still did not feel ready to open his eyes as his light-headedness really was horrid, but the moment this random asshole started talking about medicine, the eleventh divisioner stopped listening.
"Fuck no you ain't givin' me none of that shit," he halfway-slurred. "Keep that the hell away from me." Kenpachi didn't know anything about medicine, health, or science, but he did know better not to trust one single thing that came from within fifty square feet of Kurotsuchi Mayuri. That braided woman's poison was bad enough.
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