hey, whats up? i have a severe case of writers cramp.... ya know why?? cause i just spent my intire math class writing "i love josh" about 150 times on a piece of paper that im gonna send to u in my next letter. speaking of letters... urs is prolly sittin in my mailbox but the bad thing about it is that i dont have a way to get it cause my dad has an apointment like 10 towns over and he prolly wont get back till like 6 and the post office closes at 5. fuckers. well check this shit out.... Matt was being an asshole to me on the bus so i called him a "fucking asshole" and he was listening to me tell my friend about how to use guys to get what u want... (no im not using u) and he said "so u used me for my anti flag shirt" and i said "no we didnt even date for more than 4 days!" when he got off the bus i walked up to him and asked him if he wanted it back and he said no and he started talkin about our past "relationship" and i was like "what relationship? u know i consider having a relationship dating for more than 3 days and haveing at
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