Under construction as Shale interacts with all you wonderful people. :3 I swear this should be easier to do since I just app'd her in.
Starwind K'Treva
adeptible- Bird man mage thing
- Blah text about bird man mage thing here blah
Zevran Arainai
suaveleather - Painted elf
- Blah text about painted elf blah
Alice Wake
needslight - Blah nickname blah
- Blah text here blah
Elissa Cousland
vengefulduty - Warden #1 lolol
- Blah about this Warden blah
chasindlegend - Swamp witch
- Blah blah swamp witch blah
petrifiedgirl - Blah nickname blah
- Blah blah I will fix the fancy e later blah
familyshares - Blah bird crusader blah
- Blah blah it's a freakin' bird blah
Artis Cousland
womanwhofights - Warden #23232B
- blah about the dead Warden blah
Elena Fisher
morethanafour - Blah nickname blah
- Blaaahhh blaaaaa
Shinjiro Aragaki
hierophantmoon - Blah another bird crusader blah
- Blaaaaaaaa haters gonna haaaate
Aedan Cousland
thatpompousprat - Warden #8 billion
- Blah Man Cousland Blah
Leonard McCoy
spacedrmccoy - Blah the Space Doctor blah
- Blah dammit I'm a golem not a perch blah
Nathaniel Howe
who_what_howe - Blah the Howe blah
- blah who is it. what is it. how is it a howe. blah
Harry Dresden
hellsbellsharry - Blah the something wizard blah
- blah blah it is a wizard blah
Thomas Raith
prodigalvampire - Blah nickname blah
- blah blah it needs a haircut blah
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
vengefulblades- Blah blah the assassin blah
- Blaaa blaah
Nathan Drake
assworthsaving- Blaaah blah it reminds me of the sarcastic warden blah
- Blah blah it also needs a shave blah
Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad
isanovice- Blah blah the novice assassin blah
- Blah blah thought it was a bird blah
Maria Thorpe
kickedhisface- Blah blah female knight something blah
- Blah blah zombie ass kicking buddy blah
Blah name
username- Blah nickname
- Blaagh