Deathy has come to bury roleplay, not to praise it...
Ok, so Deathy lies. You should be used to that by now. In fact, Deathy has had enough of raiding and running instances for some time. He is not rich, he has barely 11k gold in his bags, but screw it! Deathy is tired of Yet Another Stupid Death in instances, or even more fun, being unable to raid because he has that, oh, what's it called?
Oh, right.
A job.
And to Deathy's ire and regret, the only day he has off is on Sundays, and as he works at a restaurant, most of his shifts are in the evening.
Overall, though, this does not upset Deathy too much. He was getting a little sick of the constant strain of "better DPS" (Deathy plays a DK as his main. You should have seen that coming), or the fun of accidentally pulling aggro... you get the idea.
In short, Deathy is wanting to go back to the reason he even rolled on an RP server - to roleplay. He loves Earthen Ring, despite its flaws and Sues... okay, perhaps because of the Sues. Deathy has what he hopes is only one Sueish character - the specifics are up on Warcraft Sues, for the curious - and that one isn't as bad as some of the ones already posted.
Like that paladin.
Anyway! Deathy misses the feeling of being involved in a story, watching it unfold, helping it along... that sort of thing. He has no real plots in mind for his characters; as he sees it, they have a personality, and their story is written by how they react to others.
So, for now, Deathy's DK, his mage, his priest, and hunter, Alliance and Horde alike, are more likely to be found in the capital cities people-watching and chatting than delving into the dungeons and deeps of the world.