RP Profiles for Deathy's Characters

Aug 23, 2011 01:55

Because why not? Though, sadly, most of these characters do not have as fleshed out a backstory as Deathy's main.

Frostshard is a bleached-pale Death Knight and an average-looking Tauren... aside from the white hair, eerily glowing eyes, and the voice that sounds like it belongs in a tomb, Frostshard is not actually a Grimtotem, though since the Scourge wiped most of his memories that weren't related to fighting and how to do it, he's not aware of this fact. The logic behind this, if it can be called that, is "the Grimtotem hate all non-Tauren and all Tauren that aren't them. I'm supposed to kill everything, including Tauren. Therefore I am a Grimtotem". Spurious as this is, it gives him some sense of solidarity with the world - he thinks he has a tribe, even if it wants him dead. He does not in any way inform others of this "connection" - it's merely a psychological construct, and as far as he is concerned, is no one else's business. If it were ever mentioned, and his horribly flawed logic pointed out, Frost is likely to become slightly withdrawn as he tries to establish some other method of relating to Azeroth at large that does not involve "all of it impaled on the end of my sword". While having this worldview shattered would probably be healither for him in the long run, if he doesn't mention it, it's not going to come down.

He's picked up mining as a job to keep him active, and jewelcrafting as a hobby to give him something to focus on. He mostly lacks the patience for the latter, however.

When introducing himself, he simply calls himself "Frostshard, of the Ebon Blade". He makes no attempt to hide his undead state - even if it were possible to conceal the eyes of a death knight, the voice would give him away - and it may be a small comfort to others to know he has someone keeping an eye on him. His rank, if it can really be called that, is that of a foot soldier, "go here and kill things", and he's become rather good at it. As his namesake implies, he specializes in ice spells, though occasionally he will dabble with the powers of blood, and very rarely with the unholy.

The most obvious trait he has is his slightly worrisome fixation on paladins of any sort; blood elf, Tauren, dwarf, or human - especially human. Though he doesn't want to admit it, he is quite enthralled with Tirion Fordring, and carries around a love letter of sorts. "Dear Tirion. I want to be just like you. Do you want to kill Scourge with me? Yes No (Circle one)". No one must ever know. He does not quite grasp the distinction between Sunwalkers and other paladins - he sees the end result is very similar, and thanks to his current state doesn't understand that the Light and An'she might not have much to do with each other.

Another worrying tendency of his is his mounts - both of his favorite rides he personally undead'd. His nether ray Gnasher was simple enough to kill, and now that he won't have to "outlive" it, he's quite happy with a horriffic, needle-toothed killing machine that shares his bloodlust. His other mount required considerably more effort, time, and the skill of an artisan he picked up from gemcrafting. "Patches" is as faithful a reproduction of the arakkoa Raven Lord as he could create - while busily killing his way through their Veils for the Skyguard he ran across a few images of the god and decided to build one of his own to ride. No one said he was exactly sane. It's well-made, and you'd have to look very closely to see the stitches.

Gizzak is the Titan's gift to the hunters of Azeroth! Go on, ask him. He'll tell you so himself, so it must be true.

As should be readily apparent, the goblin's most obvious trait is his ego - it's more inflated than some of the puffers in Vashj'ir. This wouldn't be quite so bad, except he thinks he's the next Hemet Nesingwary. No wait! Hemet is just warming the seat of the Greatest Hunter on Azeroth until Gizzak meets up with him! Yeah, that's right!

Unfortunately for Gizzak, he lacks the skill to back up his claims. Oh, he might have some unusual creatures helping him out - a silithid wasp he somehow connived into helping, some hyena packlord lurking around in the Barrens - but he doesn't have any of the experience Nesingwary has picked up.

If this is ever pointed out to him, he blames it (quietly) on the Trade Prince trying to enslave him and selling off all his fancy, expensive equipment that he can't get his hands on any more. Only the best from Kezan would do, and that's going to be a bit of a problem now that Kezan's a cooling slab of lava.


Tocsin is a Gilnean priest, and like several Gilneans, is not exactly thrilled about rejoining the Alliance. Oh, or that worgen curse that's been going around. In fact, he prefers his human form, only shifting to his more bestial one when he doesn't have a choice in the matter - usually combat of some kind. He's a fairly good holy priest, and unfortunately like some priests, has become a bit insufferable. While he tries to follow the teachings of the Light, he also falls short at times, most notably when it comes to Discipline.

On the other hand, most of the time he's not actually trying to be snide, it just seems to slip out... but those dwarves! Always drinking!

Anahkrrik, more properly spelled Anh'krrk, is what happens when a slightly crazier than usual Royal Apothecary got his claws on a Nerubian brain. Deciding to see "what's the worst that can happen", the Apothecary plopped the Nerub into a Forsaken body.

Until the attack on the Undercity by the Alliance, the worst consisted mostly of the body lying there and occasionally twitching as Anah tried to get used to his shape and make it work. While the Apothecary managed to get himself killed in the crossfire, the former arachnid managed to crawl to a relatively safe nook and wait out the fighting. Afterwards, he managed to pass himself off as newly-risen and clueless mage, though he does occasionally let slip things that no Forsaken ought to know. There is a difference between "ought" and "does", however, and the craftier of Sylvanas' troops are starting to watch him more closely... which necessitated a move to Silvermoon.

Originally, he planned to make his way back to the Scourge, while gathering information upon the Horde to use against them at a later date. When the call for heroes to retake the Razorfens went out, Anah was among one of the parties who were sent in. Unlike the others, he planned on switching sides as soon as he encountered the Lich King's forces, but when fellow Nerubians attacked him as well, all bets were off.

Seething with rage, he vowed to himself that if the Scourge were to turn so easily on a loyal minion such as himself, then the Scourge deserved nothing less than total obliteration, all the way up to Arthas himself.

The fact that Arthas knew absolutely nothing about this "loyal" soldier, and wouldn't have cared even if he had, mattered not in the least - the undead must die.

Anahkrrik views himself as a free agent, bound only to the Horde by personal convenience. As a matter of curiosity, he learned the skills of an alchemist - never an apothecary! - in an effort to create his own variant of the New Plague. Unfortunately for these plans, he was quickly diverted with the simple fascination of creating new and ever more interesting potions and compounds, so the bulk of his research has in fact turned out to be beneficial.

He's also trying to understand how bloodthistle works, why it only works on blood elves, and if it were possible to refine it further so the side-effects were removed, it was more potent, or if any other race could benefit from them. This has been made difficult thanks to the fact that bloodthistle is A) a controlled substance, and B) he's blunt enough to ask an off-duty Blood Knight where he could obtain some. Fortunately for him, he's not yet gone that far.

While he had originally planned to claw Arthas' frozen heart from the Lich King's chest and shatter it personally, this dream came crashing down when he heard that Tirion Fordring had slain the ruler of the Scourge before he could. As a result, the paladin "inherited" all the rage and bile the former Nerubian was saving for Arthas.

world of warcraft, roleplay

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