That was a bit messy, I think I've fixed it now....
The moon is looking particularly pretty tonight, just took these of it framed nicely by the huge block of flats at the back of my house!
Would be a good night to creep around Abney Park and get the chapel with the moon through the windows...but I am a) a bit scared and b) have to study. (Good excuse eh?!)
Thank goodness for the interweb, I've been having problems working out whether xenon difluoride has a dipole or not, then realised I had been stupid...
Mr Lovely took us to see the Araki exhibition yesterday. The volume of work there was enormous, there was a whole (admittedly small if you were living in it) room devoted entirely to his polaroids. Lots of pictures of naked japanese girls tied up and suspended from the ceiling.
but I was particularly taken with Chiro,who seemed to have a different expression in every picture.
There were also lots of pictures of the sky taken from his balcony, which I found encouraging as I take lots of pictures of the sky too.
The stuff I enjoyed most were some pictures that odd things had happened to, such as old negatives that had mould growing onthem, or a photo that had been developed in boiling solutions.
Here is a link to a page that has lots of pictures on slideshows. Most of the writing is question marks for me, but you can click on the pictures and the slideshow starts...
Now I want to go out and take pictures! Mr Lovely got me a wide angle lens for christmas and my friend Rich found me a flash....I just have to find time. I tried taking my camera to work with me but on that one day it was completely overcast, and the camera is so heavy......