Random LJ-Rejected Post

Aug 03, 2011 20:37

As previously mentioned, I was fighting with LJ for several days so here's  a post I wrote up but wouldn't post.  Saved it for amusement.

I have tried to do my MCR meme multiple times and LJ just hates me...

I suppose it believes I should be pre-writing instead or working on that Ron/Draco story I am determined to finish one of these days.  Its no big deal, though.  Just that story I started writing in 2004 and used to be Ron/Harry but went through major rewrites before my computer crashed, lost the whole thing, and just recently started again.

Which is still better than the original fic I'm working on.  You know, the one I've been planning since 2001.  At some point I should probably keep some of the pre-writing and go with it, but no, I'm never satisfied.

I'm glad I waited forever to rework it, though.  I could have never do justice with what I started with.  This is also the original story that worked its way into 'Prophecy of Absconditus.'  So hopefully I can pull off some awesomeness.

I bet this doesn't even post.

on writing, life, lj!fail

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