x posted

Feb 23, 2006 07:47

I am thinking of teaching some classes online and am curious to see what interests people might have. If you have a moment could you please answer the following questions in the comment ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

aphephobia February 21 2006, 13:22:55 UTC
I love your work. *smiles* It's just so... gorgeous and tactile and cool. :)


nightmere February 21 2006, 17:42:47 UTC
I love what you've done with the site!


deb_m February 21 2006, 19:00:20 UTC
Ooo that's a compliment coming from you!!!!


nightmere February 21 2006, 20:16:12 UTC
where do you find your cool fonts, for mac?


misinsatiable February 22 2006, 20:06:50 UTC
Check these out...


I'll look around for some of the others I've used too!


prudencepout February 22 2006, 19:05:06 UTC
We don't know each other very well, but I always enjoy you posting your art. I have four kids and my youngest is just 3 months old, so I'm not moving along at the same pace as you! but I'd still enjoy sharing what I'm doing and discussing art, anytime. Right now I'm doing some mosaic and collage work, mostly aimed at representing motherhood and identity (an individual contract I'm doing at Evergreen.)


deb_m February 22 2006, 20:04:19 UTC
Are there pics in your journal??? I'd love to see them!


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