Hello there! :)
A meme has been going around my Flist these last few days/week from Livejournal's
Writer's Block: Conversion Rate "Have you ever considered converting to another religion?Which has got me to into an introspective mood than I normally am when it comes to belief systems
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Comments 20
However, I'm also sad for you because it sounds as if you didn't have any real strong leadership or role model when it came to faith. Having a role model for a faith helps so very much in understanding the faith system, but moreso in understanding faith itself.I'm not sure what to make of this statement :) are you saying that everybody should have some form of 'role model' for 'Faiths'? I grew up in an academic household and whilst my extended family identified with various belief systems, my nuclear family didn't. I've always believed that it's not even necessary to have a particular 'role model' for any faith/lack thereof, and that understanding the 'nature of faith' is entirely possible without one. It's all very subjective isn't it? (er... I hope that made sense? I'm sorry, English can difficult for me when it comes to articulating ( ... )
it was great to read some shared thoughts written out in such a way ^-^
--I love talking about this sort of thing, it's so interesting isn't it? if I wasn't so set on maths and SLT I' have gone into Anthropology, as human behaviour(be it collective or singular), on all different levels fascinate me.
If you don't mind me asking specifics? --so, as I understand we have similar ideas on organised religion, but what of belief systems? (one of my friends and I were discussing how the need to add 'lack thereof' is unnecessary, in this case, as 'lack of belief' is still 'a' 'belief'.. y/n?) --I'm interested to know! :)
thanks for taking the time to reply! xD
You're right though, it can be very circular, but I guess it's still interesting to hear it from another's perspective, y'know?
Does hashing this all out and then agreeing to disagree negate from the entire point of the discussion in the first place? I don't know. I'd like to think that just the fact that we had a discussion, in a civil, respectful manner, --in the first place makes a difference anyways, but I know I'm a huge whooping idealist, and so this may be wishful thinking. I'd like to think it does, and that we do learn and take away something from this. ^_^ if nothing, it helps flex those logical, analytical skills once in a while. (though of course, this is only if the subject is approached academically, otherwise objectivity is difficult to be maintained ( ... )
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Hieeee! ^_^ I'm glad you think so. (er. that is if you are talking about this thread, and not in general? [I hope!] *g*)
Like mentioned to mythicalmenace, discussions like this help us flex our analytical skills if approached from an academic pov, if nothing else. :)
thanks for your two cents! ^_^ I agree that beliefs can be, and do changed... and as long there's no proselytising, and instead there's intellectual consideration involved, I don't think this is a bad thing.
I reckon they continue to evolve for a lot of us throughout our lives. As you can see, I'm fluid about the philosophies I identify with, (though am more Humanist and Theravadian skewed these days) and consider organised religion to be more of an 'institution' that's based on a common belief system, mired intangibly in it's culture, history and tradition.
'...but I think that I will stay out of the conversation for now.'That's absolutely fine. And ( ... )
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