It's Christmas Eve! people came over today, my aunt and grandfather and some other people not particularly worth mentioning. we had middle eastern food because my family is so cool and unique like that. when the first people came i went down stairs and my aunt's stepson said "you look like you just woke up." i love family.
mr. kenny said he would be one of my interviewees for my reasearch project on lawrence ferlinghetti. I am excited. He helped me on a poetry anylasis once and it was very deep.
ahh i dont have christmas presents for anyone. i think mabey i will skip christmas this year. i think im going to mikes house tonight
ahh...a long day of christmas shopping.I bought my mom rooster stuff for the kitchen(oven mitt and that thing you put your spoon on when you are cooking). roosters roosters roosters. she has lots of chicken things and a duck, so i thought I'd stick to the fowl theme.