Jan 17, 2007 20:18
I solemnly swear I am up to no good... errmmm... yes ma'am. no ma'am. Yes, I am going to do my acoustics right now, ma'am. And then make an english horn reed. Yes. I mean, Yes Ma'am.
Jan 17, 2007 20:18
Jan 16, 2007 20:37
listening to ambient music podcasts while reading my acoustics textbook makes me feel like I am in the nexus.
Jan 16, 2007 20:33
Ouch. My acoustics textbook just assumed basic knowledge of mathematical formulas for calculating volume...and I didn't have it, and had to consult wikipedia.
ouch ouch ouch.
Jan 04, 2007 21:30
So I guess I'll just go PRACTICE while my boyfriend is at the STRIPPERS and my best friend has stood me up for her BOYFRIEND. HAH! because whole tone scales replace all the joys in life, right? HAH!
At least alice and I went to ferris'. Where i had a delicious lamb burger.
Life is not as bad as it seems.
Dec 31, 2006 18:46
"hot lesbian"
quoth alice
Dec 31, 2006 18:25
my haircut looks like audrey hepburn as a lesbian.
I think I like it. a lot.
P.S it was recently pointed out to me that the name is AUDrey, as opposed to AUBrey. Who even knew that AUDrey was a name. Now those don't even look like words anymore!
Dec 10, 2006 13:45
Alice and I are having a Hannumas party tonight!
You, Dear Reader, are invited to the festivities.
4pm-card making and sushi eating
6:30 potluck delicious
sadly, we are having to compete with a gingerb
Dec 05, 2006 19:02
unfortunately, my first knitted hat ended in disaster. It was mainly the dumb pattern from Vogue Knitting that did it, but also I take some responsiblility for listening to it. While it is too lumpy to wear as a normal hat, it does make an excellent and cute tea kettle hat.
Dec 05, 2006 18:53
"let's just hope it doesn't blow us to Kingdom Come before it figures out how to blow us to Kingdome Come"
Geordi, distressed that an alien energy being is messing stuff up on the Enterprise