Don't get me wrong, it's been a good week in many ways but I could have lived without
1. The brief but unnecessarily violent storm which flooded my garden and also parts of the house.. the hall rugs are astonishingly heavy when sopping wet and they are still in the barn slowly drying out
2. The plumbing issues which started with a malfunctioning toilet flush and escalated to a broken valve, no cold water in the bathroom and a plumber making three visits before finally replacing a largish section of pipe which had got blocked by a wodge of insulation which had somehow landed in the tank in the attic and got sucked into the system.
3.Flagrante deciding she had no first gear... took her off the road, drove THE BEAST all weekend, borrowed the garage's loan car Chaos The Ka , got the phone call from the garage expecting to hear "ohh it's gonna cost you" but instead got puzzlement, Flagrante was behaving perfectly, the mechanic had been driving her round on and off all day and had totally failed to get the gears to misbehave in any way! I have her back and part of me expects her to stage a repeat performance on Wednesday when I'm teaching in Chelmsford which has more roundabouts than Milton Keynes!
4. The rail in the wardrobe in the spare bedroom deciding to collapse. I now have a spare room bed covered in crumpled clothing ( I suppose it's a good opportunity to have a sort out but foresee that when The Boy has fixed the rail I have much steaming/ ironing to do as I can't bear not having clothes in a ready to wear state.
Ah Well; I was up betimes this morning trying to get the flood marks off the quarry tiles in the hall.. luckily the water didn't get above an inch or so but I'm going to have to strip and re-polish that floor when I get a day off.. also I've had to break out the spare rugs till the others dry and can be cleaned. So the house is livable but gosh it's chilly today.
I was going to tackle some more cupboards in an orderly fashion ( I'm chuffed with my lovely tidy orderly kitchen cupboards, especially the cutlery drawers!) but the plumber dismantled my airing cupboard and the cupboard under the bathroom sink so those have to take priority and then there's the wardrobe so my system is all to pot ... never mind those all needed doing anyway.
And on the plus side I am moving into my new office bit by bit and I'm going to love working from there!
A new book arrived in the post today and I am not allowing myself to open the package until all the things are ordered and in their place!
Happy Saturday