Gah Lost finale gah!

May 24, 2010 15:54

I will attempt to put this under a cut and we'll se how it goes.  This is cut for all of you who loved the Lost finale and do not want to hear me rant and/or you wish to avoid spoilers because spoilers there will be.

So overall with the emotional ending and the couples getting back or finally together was awesome of course and every romantic's dream.  But honestly, I feel gypped.  I feel like they've been making twists and turns for the last couple of years for the sake of twists and turns and that there never was an endgame or if there was it was lost so long ago that the more recent twists and turns rendered it obsolete.  And that is NOT good writing and not what they inferred was there.  And I think they even said so in the end when Christian Shepherd was talking to Jack and he said somethng to the effect of "how it ends isn't important -- its the time you spent on the island with these people and the relationships you made that is what counts"  And I feel that was the writers admitting that 'hey there's no endgame or plotted storyline but didn't you have fun watching for the last six years?'

I think the whole sideways is purgatory thing is a complete cop-out.  For a show that showed this much originality (which, btw, they were ever so proud of in the pre-finale hour) to do the whole "oh its purgatory and they are all going to heaven" thing that has been done so many times before, is deplorable.  Seriously I'm so sick and tired of the its a dream/itsa coma/its heaven/its hell/ etc copout and its just as dissapointing as it was when I read Alice in Wonderland for the first time.

So much was not answered and now there are even more and new questions!  In addition to Divalion's fantastic questions:

How did a polar bear even *survive* on a tropical island?

If it was Jacob that fixed Locke's legs and Rose's cancer, where did he get that power from? How did he make Richard immortal?  When he told Jack that he was 'just like me', does that mean that Jack had that power too? Why didn't Jack become a smoke monster when he put the plug back?

A plug? Seriously? I'm supposed to believe that the island was an electro-magnetic anomoly held together by a frigging cork?

Boone and Shannon but no Rose and Bernard (since, y'know, the church had couples two by two -- I'm surprised the damned dog didn't show up with a female companion)?  No Mr Ecko?  Scratch that he was single.  Oh yeah I know what yer gonna say -- that he was so evil in real life before coming to the island that he didn't deserve heaven but what about Sawyer, Jin and Sayid?  They were no angels!  No angels hah!  What about the Rousseaus?

And wtf no Lapidus?  He have a filming schedule conflict or something?  And yah maybe he's still alive but in that case, wtf Hurley was protector for a year before giving up the ghost?  Who took it after Hurley?  He make another plane wreck?

Sorry but I don't buy the ending.  It was completely unbelieveable to me and really disappointed.  
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