Jun 22, 2007 17:35
Hi, does anyone know of any anti-racism resources that are directed specifically at bicycling communities?
I went to my first Critical Mass ride last month and it was initially less scary than I thought it would be, but by the end I was pretty uncomfortable. Critical Mass being a bunch of people (99% white here in Pittsburgh) on bikes riding around in rush hour to make some kind of statement or to just annoy people in cars. Basically, it's like hey! we're white people! we're going to take over the streets! and isn't it funny when the cops come! ('cause they do)
So I was thinking of putting together a leaflet just to use the opportunity to raise questions about gee, why is everyone here white and what does it mean that we are able to do this as white people? I wondered if that had already been done.
I'm not big into the bike community here (because of that aloof biker attitude thing going on), but there is a community bike shop/recycle project. They are having a national conference here in August and there is actually going to be a professional anti-racism training since a lot of these bike shops are located in POC neighborhoods but are run by white folks. So I know there is at least some awareness, and if I distribute the leaflet at the August one it will have been after the conference and that might really help spark discussion in some people.
If anyone wants to chime in about what should go in the leaflet, I'm all ears. Thanks!