Wyatt Halliwell & Bianca background information

Feb 24, 2006 20:04

Because I’m so obsessional over the pairing of Wyatt & Bianca, I decided to write up a little background post which will basically give those reading an idea of who they are. Because they are featured so little on Charmed I thought it might be helpful to lay everything out in a short little summary. This is only a compilation of the information that was featured on the show; I do and have tended to flesh out the characters in my stories. If you’re at all interested in reading - have a snoop around my journal or travel over to Fanfiction.net, get comfortable, and settle in for some minor entertainment.

Played by Wes Ramsey

With a prophecy that proclaimed him the “twice blessed child”, Wyatt Halliwell was born into the world at a time when all magic stopped. The son of one of the most powerful witches to have ever existed and a whitelighter (who are like guardian angels for witches and future whitelighters), Wyatt received a mix of both their powers, making him one of the most powerful beings on earth. Even before his birth the forces of evil wanted to claim this prestigious entity for themselves, all with views to use and abuse his powers. With various members of his family successfully blocking this act for extended periods of time (short term was not so fortunate), including his own younger brother who travelled back in time for a year and a half to protect him, Wyatt avoided being duly corrupted to the dark side. He does, however, have his own inner demons to fight. A sensitive man, he regularly blames himself for anything that goes wrong, and generally finds himself at fault when it is his family that suffers, disappears, or dies. He’s loving, intelligent and bears a wicked sense of humour. He’s also wielder to the sword Excalibur which became his after his mother’s involvement in her own King Arthur style adventure whilst he was still young. It was put away until he was fully grown and since the time he has acquired it he’s found it to be his favourite piece of weaponry.

Played by Marisol Nichols

Born into a family of assassin witches known as the Phoenix (called so because of their “Rise from Salem’s ashes” which has allowed them the ability to reconstitute/reform), Bianca was forced into their lifestyle from an early age, constantly straining to live up to the family’s expectations. She quickly learned that her mother had been lying to her about the job’s criteria, finding that although it didn’t hurt too much physically, mentally and emotionally the strain of killing people impacted greatly on her. Fighting for survival by doing the only thing she knows best, her life was eventually turned around deterring her from the need to kill indifferently. Favouring the direct approach, you’ll often find her fighting hands on or with her favoured weapon - the athame. Sexy, playful, and bearing all kinds of smarts, Bianca is an independent woman who, although often appearing aloof, is actually quite caring about those she loves and will sacrifice everything for them.

Bianca was actually the fiancé of Wyatt’s younger brother, Chris, on Charmed. She is only seen during the episode Chris-Crossed, but in those few moments she spent with Wyatt it is apparent that something was going on between them. It is this that spawned the idea of Wyatt & Bianca being together as, since they are both conflicted souls, they appear to be much more suited to each other.

wes, mari, chris-crossed, background, marisol nichols, chris, bianca, wes ramsey, stories, charmed, chris halliwell, wyatt halliwell, fics, wyatt

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