Nov 13, 2005 00:29
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad.
When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you..
(kat made me do it)
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Comments 5
1- On the way to Locobazooka: "..Anal Street!?" "TAKE IT! TAKE IT!!"
... and so many others. Driving to Troy with Caroline and Jacob, way back when you were that scary, quiet, long-haired guy who never smiled... [wait... your hair is shorter now... uhh...].. didn't we see a crackhead pissing in an alley in broad daylight? What a shitty town... walking around Hanover in the middle of the night, scribbling on each other's table-drawings at Molly's while trying to scam more bread from the waitresses.. you surprising the hell out of me when you came back from college with *gasp* short hair!!!... being forced to get married, much to our surprise, by Jessica in As You Like It, agonizing rehearsals for same... much more [for you] agonizing rehearsals for R&G a year later... midnight badminton... you FINALLY realizing that cellphones are not a thing of the devil and therefore should be used to communicate... [speaking of which, call me sometime ( ... )
1. The time we were, uh, not tripping in Allston and we went to that basketball court with the spotlight shining over it that you could reach via the stairs--we took turns making giant shadow puppets the other person had to avoid. That was classic.
2. The time you helped me pick out a guitar and we wandered around to all the different guitar stores on our side of Boston.
3. When we put two computers in my room so we could play America's Army and we drew out maps and tactics in an attempt to assault that goddamn bridge once and for all.
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