5 hours just watching movies (Altarboys,Jackass,Brokeback..) with Joel & Kimo on the bed with loads of pillows &comforters. Not to mention an episode of Beast Wars & Pokemon, headstand competitions & stretching suspenders
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Travelled to West Mall with Clar & Tara to give Cheryl Ang our support& loving but of course that was jynxed because of time. The West felt like another country, so much a feeling we kept exclaiming about it every 5 minute
It's been a long time since we got together to celebrate our fortunes. Next friday we'll meet, with the North and West winds as well & be merry ,surrounded by bowls of hot soup & rice. I hope you'd cook up your delicious dumplings, they answer any demand of the tongue. Greatests of blessings to you & your family !
Coffee & open forgotten books with Nelly Belly @ Starbucks. Sat around with the usual girl chatter & I saw QT Gigtagboy. I dubbed him that because of the amount of gigtags dangling from the zippers of his bag Nyeheh I loike sceneboyz & fuck you if you judged me by that
You know what Kimmy, I'm kinda excited for the picnic