likevelveteen died August 22, 2003. I've looked but haven't found an obit...just posts most of her friends and commenters made at the time in their journals (like this (NSFW language)).
chellbelllyn died on December 15, 2005 from a boating accident on December 10th. She was pronounced brain dead on the 13th from almost dear drowing and hyperthermia.
She was a volunteer firefighter for Fish River/Marlow Volunteer Fire Department.
darwin passed away on November 10th, 2005, from causes which are still being investigated. Although there was apparently no obituary in the Houston Chronicle, the information in his journal regarding the wake/funeral has been verified.
i just found out about this community, and i think you guys are awesome for creating something like this. i would like to add juggalicious to your list if that is possible. he was one of my friends and he died in a car wreck in december of 2004. thanks for your time.