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Comments 41

prettyflash September 24 2009, 02:23:42 UTC

It did kind of bug me that Reid was sitting the whole ep. I mean I know they can't help it but... just sad =(

Aw I actually really liked this episode but my brother thought it was boring. I guess it just depends on the person.



deceitfulangel September 24 2009, 21:23:38 UTC
It's implied in season 2 when she leaves him. When he's at home (that week woman who's name I can't remember right now makes him take leave) the home phone rings and no one is there then her cell phone starts to ring and keeps ringing as she leaves Hotch after their fight. It's ~implied that the person who hung the phone when a man answered knew not to talk to him and just called her cell. (does that make sense? lol)


prettyflash September 25 2009, 23:19:47 UTC
Aw yes I just watched this scene a few days ago. That's the ep with the funny Garcia scene I posted on Twitter, right? =( That makes me sad. I love them together. But hey, I ain't blaming her. she was pretty much on her own.


deceitfulangel September 26 2009, 02:44:44 UTC
Oh yeah, I felt bad for her. I mean I know we all feel bad for Hotch and we see what an amazing man he is, but gotta admit if it was me in her shoes I totally get why she'd do it. But they'd been together since high school (I think, right? I remember a scene w/ them a pirate hat) and that just depresses me more. =/


catatonique September 24 2009, 02:26:30 UTC
I concur with most of what you said...that whole 'secondary story' seemed pretty rushed...it was over within the first 30 minutes and I was like wait, what? They def. should have focused on one story or the other singularly.

But what really urked me, which is so minor but what the heck ever, is when the doctor touched the dude that got shot, then had bloody hands and touched Reid who was also bleeding. Is this some weird 'wait for aids' foreshadowing or is it just gonna be some random crap I noticed that will never turn into anything and just urk me for the next few weeks.

I'd continue on to answer your questions, but it seems my brain isn't working past the above paragraph haha as I keep bitching to ppl about it randomly.


deceitfulangel September 24 2009, 21:32:57 UTC
Like I said on twitter, that bugged me too. I really thought I mentioned that. Damn it =/

So help me god if we have to deal w/ him being ~shot AND some blood disease story line I will cut a bitch.

Maybe next weeks episode will be one focused story, or at least a better written series of two plots.


duelpersonality September 26 2009, 04:21:13 UTC
YES! That brought me right out of the episode. I mean, fine, Reid's bleeding, he's just saved your life, you wan to staunch the wound or at least check it out, fine. Please tell me why, oh trauma surgeon guy, you are touching all in his wound with you blood-covered hands. All I could think was "Yep. All Reid lacked was AIDS or Hepatitis, and now he could easily have both." Doesn't the kid have enough problems without a doctor giving him a blood-borne illness, I mean, really?


bellalindsay September 24 2009, 02:51:55 UTC
I wasn't loving this ep and i've been looking forward to it. They could have done so much more but it was just kinda random and thrown together. i found myself bored most of the time. And your right, when did Reid become a badass? He has gone from geek to smart ass to this... hmmm?
Am I the only one that thinks Reid needs a haircut (trim @ least)? Probably :/


deceitfulangel September 24 2009, 21:37:17 UTC

He has gone from geek to smart ass to this... hmmm?
ugh I agree. =/ I mean I'm all for character change, as long as they change for the good. Maybe being shot in the knee will knock him down a peg and have him being back to his adorable geeky self.

And a trim certainly wouldn't hurt the boy.


duelpersonality September 26 2009, 04:29:07 UTC
I mean I'm all for character change, as long as they change for the good.

And if the change made any sense within the canon. It seemed like the writers said "Let Reid be more badass," and lo, it was so. I can't even trace when he was supposed to find this "deep inner strength" or whatever (granted, I only just got my season 4 dvds). I noticed his strange behavior shift, too, and I'm just not sure what to make of it.

I happen to like his hair that length ;)


deceitfulangel September 26 2009, 17:26:03 UTC
Yeah, idk when he was supposed to become all badass either. Sure he got a girls phone number in season 4 so that may have given him more confidence but that shouldn't be enough to warrant a whole character change like that.

But a few replies down coffeecocktail brought a good point about him being less badass and more him not caring about himself. Hmmm...


fanglang September 24 2009, 03:45:27 UTC
I guess what bothered me most about this episode was because of the way the season ended I wanted this one to be very Hotch centric. It was the last thought/scene we were left with all summer and to bring in a whole other storyline I just couldn't get into it.

There was just too much and not enough going on. I was able to really focus on anyone.

I'm glad to see this pulls Haley back in to the story and clearly this storyline is going to last awhile, I'm not sure I want to see the undoing of Hotch though. I feel like he needs someone to shake him, give him a hug and then say, speak!


deceitfulangel September 24 2009, 21:40:23 UTC
I wanted this one to be very Hotch centric.

Oh god this! I was expecting them to dive right into it and show the team just going after him.

I feel like he needs someone to shake him, give him a hug and then say, speak!

Oh yes. I'm not sure if I want to smack him or hug him. Maybe they should get him super drunk and have him spill the truth?


duelpersonality September 26 2009, 04:32:03 UTC
I can understand not making the first part totally Hotch-centric because then it creates drama; Is he ok, what did the unsub do to him, that sort of thing (Yes, I know they know who the guy is, but I didn't see most of season 4, so I'm going with "unsub" to save me doing the research). But after that, it was like "Sorry, Hotch couldn't show up. We got an android version to play stand-in." All in all, not the most satisfying episode I've ever encountered


ohsillytwigg September 24 2009, 04:21:55 UTC
I don't remember Haley cheating? I think Hotch let them have the house so it would be one less adjustment that his son would have to make. I think a part of him blames himself fully for the dissolution of their marriage, and this was a way to make it up ( ... )


deceitfulangel September 24 2009, 21:27:56 UTC
It's implied in season 2 when she leaves him. When he's at home (that week woman who's name I can't remember right now makes him take leave) the home phone rings and no one is there then her cell phone starts to ring and keeps ringing as she leaves Hotch after their fight. It's ~implied that the person who hung the phone when a man answered knew not to talk to him and just called her cell. (does that make sense? lol)

I think a part of him blames himself fully for the dissolution of their marriage, and this was a way to make it up.

sadly I agree with this statement. Poor Hotch. Seriously.

I don't think Reid was being a badass as much as he was being an FBI agent. The unsub had a lot higher chance of dying, and he knew medical help was coming anyway. Though it was hot.

Perhaps your right, I guess Reid didn't want to unsub to die. I know he hates killing people. And yeah, it was hot seeing him get all bossy.

And he would have been pacing, absolutely, but how would they have shot that?No idea how they would have shot it, maybe him ( ... )


ohsillytwigg September 24 2009, 23:41:15 UTC
thanks! Looks interesting.


duelpersonality September 26 2009, 04:36:24 UTC

No, why did no one even mention that Reid was injured/in the hospital? At the end, when Rossi was having that little pep talk with Hotch, I thought for sure he'd let Hotch know about Reid being shot, if for no other reason than that Hotch is the unit supervisor, but no. I doubt Hotch even knows Reid was shot. There was all this (understandable) fanfare surrounding Hotch, his injuries, etc., and then Reid gets shot protecting their "mark," and everyone seems to think 'Hey, Reid's been shot! ...What's that shiny thing over there?' WTF, man


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