“Memories of Someday”
A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Pairing: Vague
Warnings: Spoilers for entire series through New Season 6.
Summary: His memories have all come undone.
His memories aren't working properly; he's not sure which ones have already happened. Is he the lost Time Lord? Or the last? Dancing through the universe with his TARDIS, his wife ... are they the same? Does the universe have a blue door and a laugh that flows like a river? His relationships defy words; like the daughter that's not really his daughter. It all gets tangled, somehow, and now he's back at the beginning. He's an old man in a young man's body (and the other way around, for that matter), so Susan mocks him lovingly, calling him 'grandfather.'