“The Zoo”
A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Haven
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: Spoilers for 1x06 “Fur”
Summary: The Taylor family is Troubled. How it works is vague. #6 in the Haven post-ep collection.
Landon Taylor can’t bring himself to continue doing taxidermy work. After what he found out about himself, he just … can’t. But he still needs the money, especially with his mother gone, so he starts making stuffed toy animals for a local shop. Kittens with velvet fur, cross-eyed monkeys, and buck-toothed boa constrictors, but nothing that lived before as anything more dangerous than a cotton plant.
Zac’s his eager product tester. The four-year-old’s bedroom becomes a veritable zoo of lions, tigers and bears. At night, they protect him against things that go bump in the night. Both imagined, and real.