“The Signpost Up Ahead”
A drabble of 100 words
By December
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Summary: You’re traveling through another dimension. Response to
supernatural100 challenge #22 exits.
Dean wasn’t even sure where they were, just on an old highway in the middle of nowhere. Sam had fallen asleep about twenty miles ago.
He was sure he misread the sign for the exit marked “Trouble.”
Dean scowled and didn’t follow the sign pointing to a junction with the "Highway to Hell."
He stopped to shake Sam awake at the exit titled “Your Worst Nightmare.”
They agreed to get off at the exit for “A Good Night’s Rest.”
Leaving the next morning, a signpost pointed back the way they came. It simply said “The Twilight Zone - Next Four Exits.”