The Christmas Tree

Apr 05, 2007 22:16

“The Christmas Tree”

A drabble of 100 words

By December

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: None

Warnings: Creepy

Summary: Some collectable ornaments are only available for a limited time. Response to supernatural100 challenge #52 ornament.

It was two days after Christmas. Five days after the family once living here was found dead, their bodies bloated nearly beyond recognition.

Dean idly gazed at the Christmas tree as Sam hacked into the family computer. Odd, he thought, noticing a broken ornament that looked like a small iridescent eggshell. Another, also broken, hung from a nearby branch.

He snatched his hand away from the tree as a translucent green spider skittered out from between the branches, trying to bite him.

They barely escaped before the rest of the swarm emerged, hidden within the branches of the Christmas tree.

fic length: drabble, comm: supernatural100, fanfic: supernatural

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