Innocent Tourist

Dec 19, 2007 10:26

“Innocent Tourist”

A drabble of 100 words

By December

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: G

Pairing: None

Warnings: None

Summary: Not all haunted houses are haunted. Response to supernatural100 challenge #32 firsts.

His first year at Stanford, Sam's roommate, Luis, found out that Sam had never been to the Winchester Mystery House.

"Dude, you gotta go! It's practically next door. The crazy lady who built it was probably your great- great- grandma or something. Besides, don't you want to see a real ghost?"

Luis completely ignored Sam's "not especially."

In the end, seven of them went, although Sam would bet he was the only one with a salt shaker in his coat pocket. One girl declared it "the spookiest place she'd ever been" but Sam just laughed and enjoyed being with friends.

fic length: drabble, comm: supernatural100, fanfic: supernatural

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