A drabble of 100 words
By December
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Warnings: Child endangerment. Mention of violence.
Summary: Aren’t victims of kidnapping supposed to be scared? Response to
supernatural100 challenge #107 calm.
The two eleven-year-olds were tied to the radiator. The rich kid was still sniveling but the one who’d broken two of Paulie's fingers was staring at me calmly.
"A crossbow bolt here," he told me, gesturing to his eye. "A knife here," he added, pressing his fingers against his throat. He thought a moment. "He'll cut the power first. That should be fun."
"What, kid, the way you’re gonna get me?"
"No, my big brother. He'll wait for our dad, though. He's not allowed to kill people without permission." His matter-of-fact tone curdled my blood.
Then the lights went out.