“Fair Fight”
A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Castle
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Summary: Beckett gets caught in the middle of a fight. Response to
castle100 challenge snow.
“Boss, duck!” Esposito’s warning comes too late as Beckett walks into the squad room and is hit square in the chest with something cold and wet.
She surveys the area. Two coolers, half filled with snowballs (no doubt the product of last night’s snowfall) sit nearby.
“You’re having a snowball fight …”
All nearby desks are suspiciously clean of paperwork. Winter coats protectively drape computers.
“… in the squad room …”
Ryan and Esposito are standing in front of her looking sheepish. Castle has something hidden behind his back.
“… without me?” She grins and dives for the nearest snowball.