“Mr. Blue Sky”
A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Castle
Rating: PG
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Warnings: None
Summary: Kate sees fireworks on New Year’s Eve. Response to
castle100 challenge fireworks.
When Kate looks up towards the sky, she sees blue.
Which is odd, because the sun went down hours ago and she’s expecting to see fireworks. Ryan’s having a big New Year’s Eve party on the roof of his apartment building. Everyone’s there: Esposito, Lanie, even Castle and Alexis. She’s had a couple drinks; everyone’s having a good time, and when she looks up, she’s expecting to see fireworks.
But Rick’s eyes are so very blue, and his lips are so very inviting, and it’s midnight. So, when the New Year arrives, Kate gets everything she’s expecting. She sees fireworks.